Bagseed 70w 1 x 2 Micro Closet Grow..First Time!!


Well-Known Member

Check out the pictures of what I found..

Thats what I get for growing midgrade bagseed...a whole lot of knowledge and a big lack of buds :cry:

Its all good in the hood..

Make way for a new journal soon!

Any suggestions on what I should do with the he she? Put her outside for the hell of it or what? Heshe is on day 12 of flowering I think it is...will heshe just croak outside because of the light schedule differences?



Well-Known Member
Are they at all the nodes? or just a few? Maybe you can use to get a bunch of seeds for the next grow when she pollenates her/himself?


New Member
Are they at all the nodes? or just a few? Maybe you can use to get a bunch of seeds for the next grow when she pollenates her/himself?
These seeds will have a higher hermie rate than regualr seeds....nothing good comes from letting a hermie pollinate itself,its an abomination!!


Well-Known Member
Yep thats exactly what my one plant looks like :( My other one is a female as far as I can tell but like yours who knows if it'll hermi later in the game. Anywho, why don you just let it grow to completion, you should still get some budd off it, thats the whole purpose for your time, effort and money. I'm going to let both my plants do their things and see how it turns out, whats the harm in it?

Fresh hermi budd is better then no budd lol.


Well-Known Member
Yep thats exactly what my one plant looks like :( My other one is a female as far as I can tell but like yours who knows if it'll hermi later in the game. Anywho, why don you just let it grow to completion, you should still get some budd off it, thats the whole purpose for your time, effort and money. I'm going to let both my plants do their things and see how it turns out, whats the harm in it?

Fresh hermi budd is better then no budd lol.
Yeah I'm still letting it go just to see some buds and make myself happy in the meantime. I'm gonna end up snaggin some of those clones I told you about but they weren't in fact the sweet tooth ones. It was just some Kind bud seed that was found and grown into a big mother plant that my buddy is practicing taking cuttings off. He has 6 so I might just take 4 in about a week or 2 and flower them right away. Better than nothing right?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm still letting it go just to see some buds and make myself happy in the meantime. I'm gonna end up snaggin some of those clones I told you about but they weren't in fact the sweet tooth ones. It was just some Kind bud seed that was found and grown into a big mother plant that my buddy is practicing taking cuttings off. He has 6 so I might just take 4 in about a week or 2 and flower them right away. Better than nothing right?
For sure man, do it!


Well-Known Member
yea doesn't sound like too bad of a plan bro, thats a bummer it hermied on ya.. very tragic, idk what i would do if mine were to do that to me i would probably cry, actually i know i would, haha..but neways some bud is better then no bud at all right?? well good luck with the hermie and with the other ladies you plan on gettin hopefully it'll work out for ya, good luck happy growin sure to keep tuned in to my grow man the ladies are startin to fatten up nicely i can't wait to see them even in a week or two, cant wait, anyway have a good one peace


Well-Known Member
yea doesn't sound like too bad of a plan bro, thats a bummer it hermied on ya.. very tragic, idk what i would do if mine were to do that to me i would probably cry, actually i know i would, haha..but neways some bud is better then no bud at all right?? well good luck with the hermie and with the other ladies you plan on gettin hopefully it'll work out for ya, good luck happy growin sure to keep tuned in to my grow man the ladies are startin to fatten up nicely i can't wait to see them even in a week or two, cant wait, anyway have a good one peace
Thanks for all the love on my journal. I found out why it hermied... my light timer had something fall on it and it pushed in some notches so during the dark period there was 2 hrs light going on ! I can't believe I let that happen but at least I know what caused it for sure!

Im going to post some new pics soon, the buds are looking nicer now EXCEPT I went up north for a night to a lake house and when I came home he she was alll droopy n looking like a used up crack whore with tons of dead bottom leaves due to the heat and lack of water...gahh..I gave it tons of water so hopefully itll perk up because I do still plan on keeping it.


Well-Known Member
Interesting discovery. Sucks that the plant went hermi but I guess they really need exactly 12 hours of darkness. I figured an hour or two wouldn't matter.

What I dont get is why would dark/light period make a plant change its sex? Sex is based on genetics, different types of chromosome combinations determine a female or male. So how the hell can something like heat or light CHANGE the plants DNA? Anyone have any insight on this?


Well-Known Member
Heres an update of the plant..

I haven't noticed any new pollen sacks form in the past 3 days..

Check out how horrid she looked yesterday in the droooopy pic.

and then the rest are from today.


D port Growth

Well-Known Member
they supposedly have chem. u can aply to the plant to reverse hermies but havent herd much on it try snipin all the balls off and keep doin it and it will never get a chance to make pollen just a idea maybe it will work and ull find the cure for hermies? good luck pimpin


Well-Known Member
they supposedly have chem. u can aply to the plant to reverse hermies but havent herd much on it try snipin all the balls off and keep doin it and it will never get a chance to make pollen just a idea maybe it will work and ull find the cure for hermies? good luck pimpin
Ive def. been rippin those suckers off..but haven't noticed any new ones in like 3 days...weird