Brown or rust colored spots getting worse help!


Active Member
Growing in soil. Ocean forest. Transplanted from three to five gallon buckets 14 days ago. First nutrient solution at half rate was 4 days ago. The problem has been there for over a week at least. Got much worse last night. Plants are just over one week into flowering. New growth looks fine to me. Started at the oldest fan leaves essentially the middle of the plant.

Any thoughts as as to what this is? My current thoughts are either ph fluctuation or way over fertilized which is a possibility because of the ocean forest. Leaves have a crispy feel to them.

Help! Suggestions appreciated.



hey bud it looks like it might have a bit too much nitrogen, too much water, and a deficiency. You might want to switch up your nutrients to a more complete product or add a supplement.

I could be talking out of my ass here so someone correct me if I am, but it seems like "designer" nutrient companies like to exclude stuff like boron, manganese, calcium, iron, etc. Maybe so you would have to buy them as a supplement. ;)

I would start by backing down on watering a bit, then on your next watering give them plain RO (check the ph). However, on your very next feeding give them a more complete product, go to your local gardening store and look on the boxes of nutrients, make sure they have more then just NPK.

Look for a cheap more complete product so you don't run into this issue again, and you won't have to depend on supplements. Nothing fancy. Try Alaska fish emulsion for veg and super bloom for flower, and even that depends on where you are try and find a product locally that suits your needs.

rusty stripes definitely look like a boron deficiency, and the slouching dark green leaves would indicate excess Nitrogen and maybe over watering.


Active Member
Ok got it. I was thinking more of a ph issue than boron. Only because i have never seen the deficiency before. I am using general organics line and ocean forest. I suppose overwatering is a possibility but i keep good charts of how often they are watered. Typically every 3-5 days. The drooping leaves happen when the lamps are off and i grabbed the plant right after the lamp striked.


Well-Known Member
Ok got it. I was thinking more of a ph issue than boron. Only because i have never seen the deficiency before. I am using general organics line and ocean forest. I suppose overwatering is a possibility but i keep good charts of how often they are watered. Typically every 3-5 days. The drooping leaves happen when the lamps are off and i grabbed the plant right after the lamp striked.
It is a ph issue. The fluctuation causes that in the leafs. I have never had this issues but all the sign's point to it. So you ph your water when you aren't feeding?


Well-Known Member
Hey there. A couple of my plants were doing much the same thing. In my case, I found out I needed to transplant, and the ph of my water was too high, and as a result plants didn't absorb nutrients properly. Seemed like maybe calcium got locked out, and at the same time absorbed too much Nitrogen? I was advised to flush everything with ph adjusted water and test the runoff. After the flush things improved, and when I transplanted my plants took off again. I also started using cal/mag plus, but only mixed at 1/3 to 1/2 strenth. I'm brand new to all this, but one thing I have learned already is, less is more when it comes to nutes and water.


Active Member
It is a ph issue. The fluctuation causes that in the leafs. I have never had this issues but all the sign's point to it. So you ph your water when you aren't feeding?
Yeah so of course I try to keep ph regulated by testing in the tube which is fairly accurate. I think the GO veg/grow food lowers the shit out of the ph. My water is 7.2 so i lower it slightly with ph down.

Someone recommend a good ph meter for testing water for my soil grow. I am sick of the test tube method.

My thoughts were that ph fluctuation symptoms only happened when it gets to high. I use two cups of dolomite per bag of ocean forest.

I will finally have some time tomorrow night to flush if needed, i was really trying to avoid it. Should i be testing the soil ph or just the runoff ph?


Active Member
Also I am fairly confident on the cal/mag issue as well. I am dealing with that now. It showed at week 5 of veg. Btw everything is from seed right now, so the sooner I learn the plants the faster I can avoid these issues next time around.


Active Member
Going to re assess tonight. The runoff ph was a little high but nothing scary. I feel like runoff is just the exact same water as what went into the plant. I've got clones of these to make into mothers so the sooner I can figure out what these plants like the easier my life will be in the future.