I think I understand why minorities tend to not vote Republican.

why do you believe it is OK for local towns to deprive blacks of equal protection of the law? that's unconstitutional.

I have left no stone unturned on the subject.....proceed to tell me what I believe in true "massa" fashion though.
I am not convinced YOU are not a racist....either way you have a serious "master" complex.
I have left no stone unturned on the subject.....proceed to tell me what I believe in true "massa" fashion though.
I am not convinced YOU are not a racist....either way you have a serious "master" complex.

you've already told me what you believe.

if a town wants to ban black people from the lunch counter, that is for the town to deal with. no need to bring in federal help. the federal help, aka civil rights, is not a good idea because if you force the guy to let blacks eat at the lunch counter it will make him bitterer.

also, recall that the constitution is not a local document, it is a federal one. and according to you, blacks do not deserve constitutional protections in racist towns.

it's all there for everyone to see, you dug your own hole.

sorry, sucks to be you now.
I would disagree. Minorities THINK they are voting in their own best interest by voting for handouts, but they are really voting for their destruction by doing so. You know why there not being a man in the house is a requirement to get some of these handouts right?
Perhaps the Republicans should explain this simple notion in a way that single mothers will realize the error of their ways. The "handouts" you refer to, further alienate minorities based on the assumption that they are the problem and the undertones of indifference in reference to many issues that affect their community.
I'm giving you a taste of you own medicine, I'm calling you out on it, dude.


If you're a racist, at least have the sack to come out and admit it, enough of your phony ass coverup.

I've never called anyone on here a nigga

I never denied calling Cheezy nigga rich
that's irreconcilable with your view that local communities should be able to ban blacks from the lunch counter or charge them twice as much for gas though.

Never said either of those things YOU DID.

Individual has a right to not serve.....this is freedom....
....community will boycott and put those ignorant individuals out of buisness....
...this is corrective balance....no federal intervention needed.

Fukk heds ruin fukk up threads...
What a bunch of Fukk heds...
No you the fukk heds... no not me... you...
fukk heds....
Individual has a right to not serve.....this is freedom....

that's not freedom, that's unconstitutional. equal protection clause.

....community will boycott and put those ignorant individuals out of buisness....

that's not what happened though, those businesses did just fine. you are ignorant of history

...this is corrective balance....no federal intervention needed.

again, that didn't happen.

why do you think that local towns should be allowed to blatantly violate the constitution?

do you hate the constitution, or just black people?
Also recall the constitution is an individual document and the supreme law of the land.....not a federal document.

"We the people" not "we the federal government"

The individual created the constitution.
The constitution created the federal government.

Therefore the constitution can not be a federal document.

You have achieved mental loop-out, go cry now.
Also recall the constitution is an individual document and the supreme law of the land.....not a federal document.

"We the people" not "we the federal government"

The individual created the constitution.
The constitution created the federal government.

Therefore the constitution can not be a federal document.

You have achieved mental loop-out, go cry now.

why do blacks not deserve constitutional protections from racist towns?
Perhaps the Republicans should explain this simple notion in a way that single mothers will realize the error of their ways.
I would think that would have been the responsibility of the single mother's parents.

Who assumes minorities are to blame for welfare?
I would disagree. Minorities THINK they are voting in their own best interest by voting for handouts, but they are really voting for their destruction by doing so. You know why there not being a man in the house is a requirement to get some of these handouts right?

The Obama got elected by people who want handouts fabrication

Gee havent seen that one in at least 3 days
Lawful recourse already exists....I am also for the right of your mouth flapping endlessy with nonsense....doesn't mean I condone it....but its your right.

Just like racism, your smear shenanaghins will fizzle and die against facts, solid reasoning, common sense and good peoples of all colors.
it does now.

but if not for civil rights, which you oppose, what legal recourse would black people have against racist business owners lawfully banning them from their supposedly 'open to the public' establishments?

Why is everything about race with you, I've never called anyone on RIU a nigga, and I never been on stormfront, can you say the same?
Can ya, UncleBuck???