The clone wars


If you want the most budget and old school way to clone it's very simple, no need for any gels, powders etc and has a very high rate of success.

all you need is

plastic cup, not see through
roll of cling wrap
Distilled water
razor blade
a window which gets light but not direct sunlight

Simple method of taking your cutting on a 45 degree angle, then use blade to scrape the outer membrane of the stem all the way around. Drop your cutting into cup filled with enough water so fan leaves are still above the surface, outside the cup (stem must be sitting in the water). Cover each cup with a piece of cling film loosely creating a humidity dome. Place the cup on the window seal.

I used to do this with many different types of plants when I cloned, although I use clone gel and rock wool now this was always a 100% success rate method for me and can be done from things you would have in your kitchen. After the roots grow you just transplant directly into your medium (soil/hydroton etc), which makes it even cheaper as no need for rock wool etc.


Well-Known Member
sometimes i think some of you guys live under a rock or deep in the valley or something lol or maybe even mountain people
200 miles to the nearest store n shit better saddle up cowboy not long till sunset


Well-Known Member
Ive had good luck with most powders and cloning gels.
The Best i have used is power clone.The reason i like this stuff is it jumps roots ugly fast..
The best cloning plugs i have used are root shooters.Much faster than any other plugs i have used.Slightly more expensive
Ive aero cloned,bubble cloned,dirt cloned but have had the best results easiest with just good ol fashioned plugs ,heat mat propagation tray and dome.Also temp control for heat mat.


Well-Known Member
sometimes i think some of you guys live under a rock or deep in the valley or something lol or maybe even mountain people
200 miles to the nearest store n shit better saddle up cowboy not long till sunset
I have a 3 hr. Drive to the closest shop


Well-Known Member
Yea its pretty far for me, but i dont like going to my grow shop often, maybe once a year is good for me. I picked up the powder from a local hardware store.

harvey m

New Member
I would never use rockwool, since I like to see the condition of the stalk and the root nubs start to form.

DWC or "aero" sprayers, you don't even need gel or hormones.

PH correcting RO water, no. PH is a function of what's dissolved in the water, ie, the tds. RO water has nothing in it. So the ph is meaningless. Let me explain further. Say you have a 20ppm solution, at 7ph. Say you drop one drop of ph down, and it's at 5.5. And it's probably damaging the pH probe to even try to measure it at that low tds. Now, you add nutes to get the solution to 250ppm, ph drops to like 4.5, then you have to add 20 drops of ph up. Then at 900ppm, you have to add say 5ml of ph up. Just making up numbers, but they are based on reality. The higher the ppm, the more the pH matters, and the more ph up or down it takes to set it.

I don't even ph check or correct my cloners anymore, and I'm still basically at 100% success. DWC at about 72F, plenty of aeration, botanicare's cal mag and pure blend pro grow usually under 200ppm.

Cloning is one area where there is a ton of misinformation out there, especially from garbage books like the "grow bible".