Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
No one has any "LIKE" buttons ;)
and I haven't heard a peep out of him since he was on earlier today.
you'll probably lose your button too here shortly.
I lost it already. I dont like it. He sent me a message and i havent heard back from him since. Maybe tommorow since its late in his neck of the deep dark woods.


Well-Known Member
mine disappeared about an hour ago. They still have bugs in the server update. I give it a week everything should be back to normal.
I hope anyways. I want my PM box to scroll again!
Shit. It was more than a week ago that the V-Bulletin shit started and it's STILL not fixed.

The like buttons have been gone for about an hour for me and I tried the same thing as you did Bak, but to no avail. Sheeeesh
Ya, system wide FAIL.

Not quite! haha not enough to make a snow angel for sure :(
hey!! I take offense to that! ;) :lol:
asshole :mrgreen:
Why, YOU a bad driver????

No likes! Yikes! Anyone heard from sir dank?
Last I heard was 3:25 this afternoon.

Rosey's calling you out Bak. Lmao

He knows I'm just razzin him back LOL
Ya, I was gonna give ya this :finger: but I didn't know if peeps would be able to tell it was in fun or not.........
Sarcasm and most joking doesn't come out good in text.:-(


Well-Known Member
I lost it already. I dont like it. He sent me a message and i havent heard back from him since. Maybe tommorow since its late in his neck of the deep dark woods.
Yeah, figured you would. This stuff has been going on for a hot minute. He really ain't got a "set" time he comes on so I would just check in periodically ;) I've counted him out and seen him pop up at 3 in the am LOL
You can never tell with that man, he keeps us on our toes around here!! :mrgreen:

Thats why I LOVE this thread. No Bs and everyone here is so cool and helpful. Its a refreshing change of pace here at good ole RIU.:-P
Shoot me and Bak go back LOL been talking to him for over a year now, longer than anyone else here. Matter of fact he's the one that intro'd me to Dank :)


Well-Known Member
I dont get how a thread that i replied to can have one listed reply, and no listed views. Lmao, thats redicidonkuolus :p
I just replied to the same thread, if it was about cloning into soil. I told him to get a heatmat and rapidrooters because I had no luck going directly into soil.


Well-Known Member
I dont get how a thread that i replied to can have one listed reply, and no listed views. Lmao, thats redicidonkuolus :p
no man, its ridiculousnessess :lol:

Shit. It was more than a week ago that the V-Bulletin shit started and it's STILL not fixed.

Ya, system wide FAIL.

Why, YOU a bad driver????

Last I heard was 3:25 this afternoon.


Ya, I was gonna give ya this :finger: but I didn't know if peeps would be able to tell it was in fun or not.........
Sarcasm and most joking doesn't come out good in text.:-(
Hey a girl can be optimistic, yes? :lol:
and I'm a decent driver, only a couple wrecks in my lifetime..I'm a great defensive driver!!! that's gotta count for something ;) did I mention I would love to race? Haha
yeah I got ya that's why i always make sure I put a LOL or a j/k so folks know I'm just fuckin with them..seems to work out for the most part ;)


Well-Known Member
Well everyone I need to get my backside to bed as I got things to to in the mornin. Ya'll take care and I'll see ya's sometime later today. Good night and sweeeeeet dreams of green. :weed:


Well-Known Member
I just replied to the same thread, if it was about cloning into soil. I told him to get a heatmat and rapidrooters because I had no luck going directly into soil.
I've never had luck with clones period. I got sprouting down in soil. I can germ a seed usually less than two days. Can root a rose cutting in less than a month. But stick a fuckin mj clone in my hand and my thumb turns brown. :(


Well-Known Member
Well guys... been busy busy all night. Got 15 or 21 into 3 gallon grow bags. The last 6 have to wait till tomorrow...

I AM NOT.....,,,REPEAT AM NOT using Growology for this... maybe I'll try fuckin with it in the future but me amd synthetics don't mix... Step 2 looks like MG Bloom Booster... AND dropped a pH of 5.4 at recommended usage. Fuck it, General Organics works just fine. I got my P3, Great White, and Jellyfish. They will do fine.. oh and i got a little of the Nectar line from a buddy.1390978618752.jpg1390978709926.jpg


Well-Known Member
Wake n bake everyone. Sorry I can't "Like" any ones posts, this forum is getting a little of out of hand on the being behind on keeping up with updates.

Lets all smoke a bowl and pray to the forum gods that this problem disappears lol.


Well-Known Member
Wake n bake everyone. Sorry I can't "Like" any ones posts, this forum is getting a little of out of hand on the being behind on keeping up with updates.

Lets all smoke a bowl and pray to the forum gods that this problem disappears lol.
Maybe they pughtta quit updating the v-bulletin.
Seems like every update makes shit WORSE.
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