Well-Known Member
that is what i have been reading about the rdwc is if one has a problem then the others will too. as for as the plumbing goes, that's a piece of cake. i'm a do it yoursefler, i always have been. i found some good stuff on a drip system today, looked pretty interesting. have also been trying to read and understand the lucas style, i'm sure i'll have to read it a few more times before it sinks in. as stated i found a humidifier, and i would put it in the shed not the box. i did set the bucket of hot water in the box, but it only raised the humidity about 2% maybe 3% for the whole shed. plus it will let the chlorine evap so i can use it to water. i'm lucky to have good running water. i know for hydro i would have to do something different.
rdwc is nice but more expensive. Unless your a kickass plumber your better off buying a system which will cost you a pretty penny. Also if one of your plants have a root issue or an issue at all theyll all get it, like if a hose comes off and you dont check on it in two days you got nothin left. And as far as meters go theres only one way and one word. Truncheon. Dont think twice, trust me, buy once, not twice, buy a truncheon. Their the most expensive but the warrenty is worth it and you never need to recalibrate them.
a humidifier will work but make sure its not directly on the plants to avoid potential powdery mildew problems. And giggy, its not a must do, thats what is perfect conditions. They grow in all sorts of humidities just fine though.