Another interesting pro-lifer conundrum.

is red comparing abortion to the holocaust again?

him and rob roy (who compares having to park in a designated space to slavery) are in a competition for biggest lack of perspective.
Yeah, well I graduated and the majority of women are pro choice. I say flush em all, give humanity a breather, and focus on the future that will come in handy when they need it.
Your education is irrelevant. If we put it to a vote and the majority said you should die, then majority rules, right? If you say flush them all, you are saying it's not the woman's choice, but yours.
I agree with your entire post, 'cept.....

You hate religion because many believers take it upon themselves with zero authority to look down on gays and heathens?

Sounds like you hate assholes, not religion. I hate assholes too, and although the book I read from does say that certain things are sins, it also says that all sins are on the level and no where does it give me authority to judge. So if I looked at my neighbor's wife's ass, that would be the same level of sin as two dudes aint my place to say a damn word or even have an opinion, so I don't, in fact I couldn't care less.

It means about as much to me as seeing someone put ketchup on a hotdog, I think it's gross and would never do it, but I dont think less of them just because I prefer mustard.

You on the other hand think it's religions fault, when really it's just people.

I believe some person thousands of years ago saw something they didn't understand and that unknown was passed down from before we could even talk. Eventually that mythos spread to a being which is all powerful and knowing. Then those who were smartest made up shit based on observations, who were pretty much like a primitive scientist. If you said, "I have a theory!" No one would've taken you seriously. But if you say this supreme being showed you how to smash rocks together, they'd consider you a prophet and pray to god with you.

So yes it was man, but it's also the structure of religion to control the masses.
Your education is irrelevant. If we put it to a vote and the majority said you should die, then majority rules, right? If you say flush them all, you are saying it's not the woman's choice, but yours.

I have the right to think and voice my stance on the matter whether you like it or not. Majority does rule in court and the death penalty exists turbo.
A stack of paper and a typewriter is not a book....6 week old cell clusters are not alive as individuals, they are parasites and their god is the host. Mother knows best.
When is a stack of paper not a stack of paper. A 6 year old can't survive on his own and is a parasite. Should we have the right to kill him? Mother knows best? She didn't know not to get pregnant.
If abortion is murder to you might consider the statistics pretty scary and be ashamed to live in a society where it is used. I see you fronting but if you thought a million murders were occurring a year you wouldn't be conversing with me or anyone who supports murder or has committed it I hope.
If abortion is murder to you might consider the statistics pretty scary and be ashamed to live in a society where it is used. I see you fronting but if you thought a million murders were occurring a year you wouldn't be conversing with me or anyone who supports murder or has committed it I hope.

Should we become like Spartacus and revolt against the nasty liberal government which enacted what was from the beginning of philosophical thought of what a doctor should do, that is, "do no harm"?
When is a stack of paper not a stack of paper. A 6 year old can't survive on his own and is a parasite. Should we have the right to kill him? Mother knows best? She didn't know not to get pregnant.

a bit presumptuous to assume that birth control measures were not used. Condoms break, accidents can happen and as a man who are you to judge what you cannot really know. Hit the streets and stop the infanticide....Mr. moral fiber.
Should we become like Spartacus and revolt against the nasty liberal government which enacted what was from the beginning of philosophical thought of what a doctor should do, that is, "do no harm"?

You should act on whatever you stand for as a free thinking human, I am. Your philosophy is not mine and you cannot tell me my ethical truisms. Revolt if you want, it would show a bit more than this does as far as genuine concern goes. Choose for yourself issue by issue but get used to opposition and tone down the hyperbole.
I understand why u would say that, but really, u have to understand that this is not a issue of the unborn, its A WOMEN issue. You have to u understand that we live in a culture where men dominate women, we live in a culture where sadly rape has become the norm. once agian i understand why you would say that, i really do, but i have taken a turn in my life by reading femenist literature, im man enough to consider myself a femenist, and im man enough to stop a rape, and to stop people like you from taking a womens right away. If you cant connect the dots between rape culture and reproductive rights, then honestly, i feel bad for all the women in your life because u look at them as creature that u have control over. And to further my point, why would u debate in a matter in which the majority of people agree upon? What kind of arguement would u propose to all these millions of women? Do u consider yourself a man? If so, man up and respect womens rights
Why do I have to understand the woman is the only one involved here, when clearly she is not. Rape is not the norm. What kind of idiocy have you been listening to? How can I be taking a "right" away when I believe believe no one has the right to kill? Rape culture? Are you that gullible? Once again, what kind of idiocy have you been listening to? Reproductive rights? You're not talking about a right to reproduce, you're claiming a right to kill. I've never seen a woman that I could control, quit trying to demonize those who disagree with you. It makes you look like you have no argument. Are you claiming a majority can kill whoever they want? This shit about "manning up" is just bullshit, why don't you man up and respect a human's right to live? At what point does the majority's "right" to kill end? Conception? Been exceeded. 1st trimester? Been exceeded. 2nd trimester? Been exceeded. 3rd trimester? Been exceeded. (Even tho SCOTUS never extended such a right) Actually in the birthing process? Been exceeded. After the actual birth when the child is fully outside the womb and independently alive? Been exceeded. I respect women's rights. I don't believe a woman has a right to kill. The Romans believed a parent had the right to kill their children, AT ANY AGE, EVEN ADULT CHILDREN. But then again, when children killed their parents, there was no penalty. And speaking of majorities, that "right" to an abortion was voted down, IN EVERY CASE. It was a court decision that granted it. A court that claimed it was in the Constitution, but the Constitution NEVER mentions abortion at all.
I personally think late term abortion is wrong, but ultimately the choice comes down to the parents who it effects. People's obsession of social issues is the height of stupidity. For the most part it seems the groups that want abortion outlawed also want to end government assistance for some of the very children that they want to force the family to have.

Race, abortion, class warfare, welfare, ect are just total distractions that politicians use to try to get votes.
I have the right to think and voice my stance on the matter whether you like it or not. Majority does rule in court and the death penalty exists turbo.
I never said you didn't have the right to voice your opinion. If you believe majority rules, then you should be against abortion. Abortion has never won a vote. It was enacted by judicial fiat. What does "the death penalty exists turbo" mean?
If abortion is murder to you might consider the statistics pretty scary and be ashamed to live in a society where it is used. I see you fronting but if you thought a million murders were occurring a year you wouldn't be conversing with me or anyone who supports murder or has committed it I hope.
I am ashamed of our society. What would you suggest I do? Go out and kill some abortionists? Or shoot any woman I saw walking out of an abortion clinic? If I do, you're a co-conspirator now. We'd both get the chair for it.
I am ashamed of our society. What would you suggest I do? Go out and kill some abortionists? Or shoot any woman I saw walking out of an abortion clinic? If I do, you're a co-conspirator now. We'd both get the chair for it.
I don't care what you do actually, nothing you mentioned obviously, maybe talk the issue over with some women. Maybe, get the perspective of someone impregnated against her will. Imagine your partner in that situation with a different opinion.
This debate is pointless, the bottom line is this is about womens rights, we live in a patriachy dominated system, conteoling womens rights to her body is just another opression tactic.

abortion is an abomination, your support for it is pathetic, your spelling and grammar are atrocious, and you are clearly an idiot.
I understand why u would say that, but really, u have to understand that this is not a issue of the unborn, its A WOMEN issue. You have to u understand that we live in a culture where men dominate women, we live in a culture where sadly rape has become the norm.
once agian i understand why you would say that, i really do, but i have taken a turn in my life by reading femenist literature, im man enough to consider myself a femenist, and im man enough to stop a rape, and to stop people like you from taking a womens right away. If you cant connect the dots between rape culture and reproductive rights, then honestly, i feel bad for all the women in your life because u look at them as creature that u have control over.

And to further my point, why would u debate in a matter in which the majority of people agree upon? What kind of arguement would u propose to all these millions of women? Do u consider yourself a man? If so, man up and respect womens rights

yep. you are clinically retarded.

for the future of humanity i urge you to remove your testicles/ovaries with a circular saw.

it is your duty to prevent further contamination of the human genome with your inferior DNA.
yep. you are clinically retarded.

for the future of humanity i urge you to remove your testicles/ovaries with a circular saw.

it is your duty to prevent further contamination of the human genome with your inferior DNA.

there goes kynes with his superiority and inferiority rants. next up: racial purity.

as far as rape culture goes, i leave you with this: When Golda Meir was asked to place a curfew on women to help end a series of rapes, Meir replied by stating, “But it is the men who are attacking the women. If there is to be a curfew, let the men stay at home.”
there goes kynes with his superiority and inferiority rants. next up: racial purity.

as far as rape culture goes, i leave you with this: When Golda Meir was asked to place a curfew on women to help end a series of rapes, Meir replied by stating, “But it is the men who are attacking the women. If there is to be a curfew, let the men stay at home.”

Sending all the men home would be as effective as gun free zones. Only women would be out after all the law abiding men went home, and the rapists would be able to over power everyone on the streets.

Sending all the men home would be as effective as gun free zones. Only women would be out after all the law abiding men went home, and the rapists would be able to over power everyone on the streets.


spandy the rapist vanguard strikes again.