I'm poor an can't afford ph down any other ways of lowering ph?

okay when you first add water to your soil it usually drops well it does for me so i fill it drain it 2 times then you soil is good if you have high ph water adn you had it tested then sure add 1 tsp vinegar per gallon water. after that dont worry the plant will tell you if something is wrong and im sure you are using cfl so here is a link for that.https://www.rollitup.org/cfl-fluorescent-lighting/789012-how-get-huge-dense-sticky-2.html
peace and love
Ok first off I know a lot more about growing than you think I do. And just because I'd rather pay my fucking rent than buy a ph meter ( pretty good fucking excuse if you ask me ) doesn't mean I don't know how to grow . I also know that certain nutes will RAISE you ph ( marical grow , florobloom , gold label ) they will all spike the ph up. And I do use 1/4 cup human urine per gallon I am ALSO GROWING IN COCO CHOIR so the ph needs to be at 5.7-5.8 . I am trying to afford the test drops but damn a mans gotta eat too I don't spend money on weed .
Ok first off I know a lot more about growing than you think I do. And just because I'd rather pay my fucking rent than buy a ph meter ( pretty good fucking excuse if you ask me ) doesn't mean I don't know how to grow . I also know that certain nutes will RAISE you ph ( marical grow , florobloom , gold label ) they will all spike the ph up. And I do use 1/4 cup human urine per gallon I am ALSO GROWING IN COCO CHOIR so the ph needs to be at 5.7-5.8 . I am trying to afford the test drops but damn a mans gotta eat too I don't spend money on weed .

okay when you first add water to your soil it usually drops well it does for me so i fill it drain it 2 times then you soil is good if you have high ph water adn you had it tested then sure add 1 tsp vinegar per gallon water. after that dont worry the plant will tell you if something is wrong and im sure you are using cfl so here is a link for that.https://www.rollitup.org/cfl-fluorescent-lighting/789012-how-get-huge-dense-sticky-2.html
peace and love
Thank you you are the only person who actually helped me. And no I'm using a 400w metal h bulb with a two foot cooled reflector
You have to have the proper tools to do the job. Stop gardening for a few months and bank the money you are currently spending on the overhead to do a half-ass job.
Who wants to consume human piss? Have fun with that.:wall:
look up the differences between urea, nitrate, and ammoniacal nitrogen, and how they effect hydro mediums
the urine might be ok with soil, but in coco you're asking for problems

what good is all the money spent thus far when you're ruining your grow and then paying the bills to do it?
maybe a good idea to borrow some money, also keep reading. It may be a good idea for you to follow someones grow log and do what they do, instead of doing what you've read / heard on here

damn jazim you already made my point. Not bashing the op but urine is something you just really don't do
by the way you want a 1:15 or 1:10 ratio with urine
Consume piss if you use it as a fert? Man come on. But you will use soil laden with shit. LOL! Urine is sterile. There is no way you could taste it. I can only imagine what your synthetic ferts have in them. They are a company that cares about money not what you ingest. I've spent more than a decade working as maint in food manufacturing plants. You would shit your pants if you seen how your food is made. I can only imagine how bad a product is that you do not directly consume. To the op. Use urine, shit, vinegar. Research compost. It's FREE. With a little knowledge you will not spend a dime growing besides electric.
To the OP. Sorry got off on a tangent. Growing is time consuming. The best advice: It is hard to go full hydro on 100 bucks. Its hard to go coco on 20 bucks. Don't plant with today in mind, think at least 2-3 months ahead. If money is an issue, use the cheapest medium. If knowledge is an issue, use the most forgiving medium.
Maybe you should try growing when you can afford to, If you cant afford 8 bucks, I'd hate to see what your working with for soil, stop buying them 10 sacs and save up. you could budget for 100 bucks for the whole run, and make out with a pretty descent crop, but Im telling u now if your having a hard time coming up with 8 bucks, your in for a hard time.. And also the forums for ppl over 18 bud
Ok first off I know a lot more about growing than you think I do. And just because I'd rather pay my fucking rent than buy a ph meter ( pretty good fucking excuse if you ask me ) doesn't mean I don't know how to grow . I also know that certain nutes will RAISE you ph ( marical grow , florobloom , gold label ) they will all spike the ph up. And I do use 1/4 cup human urine per gallon I am ALSO GROWING IN COCO CHOIR so the ph needs to be at 5.7-5.8 . I am trying to afford the test drops but damn a mans gotta eat too I don't spend money on weed .

first off, let me tell you that no you dont... ok go ahead pay your rent, let the cell phone go... you can go without texting for a little while... just so you can get you a meter... if you cant grind up the cash for a proper ph meter then simply dont fucking grow. there are requirments needed for growing if you cant afford them, dont do it. simple. second, you use human piss? your a fucking moron man... and its coco COIR and the ph is fine between 5.5-6.0 test drops are shit... get a meter, calibration solution and some storage solution if needed.. oh and you know how to grow...
Maybe you should try growing when you can afford to, If you cant afford 8 bucks, I'd hate to see what your working with for soil, stop buying them 10 sacs and save up. you could budget for 100 bucks for the whole run, and make out with a pretty descent crop, but Im telling u now if your having a hard time coming up with 8 bucks, your in for a hard time.. And also the forums for ppl over 18 bud

there are kids that grow though that are under 18. i was when i first started growing... but now looking back.. i agree...

Can afford to get descent lighting, but can't afford 8 bucks,

lmfao. he prolly has apollo or ipower.... plus rep since no like...
Consume piss if you use it as a fert? Man come on. But you will use soil laden with shit. LOL! Urine is sterile. There is no way you could taste it. I can only imagine what your synthetic ferts have in them. They are a company that cares about money not what you ingest. I've spent more than a decade working as maint in food manufacturing plants. You would shit your pants if you seen how your food is made. I can only imagine how bad a product is that you do not directly consume. To the op. Use urine, shit, vinegar. Research compost. It's FREE. With a little knowledge you will not spend a dime growing besides electric.
Thank you. If you didn't say it I would have. And I live in an apt and compost stinks however that's all I did when I grew out doors natural is always better.
Maybe you should try growing when you can afford to, If you cant afford 8 bucks, I'd hate to see what your working with for soil, stop buying them 10 sacs and save up. you could budget for 100 bucks for the whole run, and make out with a pretty descent crop, but Im telling u now if your having a hard time coming up with 8 bucks, your in for a hard time.. And also the forums for ppl over 18 bud
Just cause I don't have money now doesn't mean I won't have money/ had money. Sometimes things happen to your plants when your broke.. Shit happens and if you have never had this happen ether your lucky, rich, or just don't grow. FOR THE SECOND TIME I DONT BUY WEED AND IM GROWING IN CHOIR AND NOT JUST SHITTY CHOIR, GOLD LABLE THE BEST I CAN BUY. And like it was said earlier ph is pointless to track when running soil. That's how I thought coco would react. And by the time my plant is having problems I've spent all I had on nute coco light bulbs pots cloning chamber temp gage fans serge protectors cfl cloning bulbs ... There's a lot that goes into growing and I bought the best shit so I will continue to buy the best shit aka ph meter that happened to be 45$
Thank you. If you didn't say it I would have. And I live in an apt and compost stinks however that's all I did when I grew out doors natural is always better.

Compost does not stink at all if properly made. If your does, it has bad stuff in it and should not be used.

As for your piss weed...no thanks, I'll pass.