Using CDs as reflectors?


Active Member
Mirrors would be awesome, but its probably not something we all have just to slice through to create some nice pieces of reflective material.

So.... im currently using a reflector but for one plant. Wouldnt CDs pointed in the pointed in the right direction give an awesome reflected light?

do you think it would work?


Active Member
no dude just no..... get a proper reflector... mirrors absorb light..
How can they absorb light when they're made to reflect light? LOL
Black surfaces absorb light. Everything absorbs some level of light [Almost]
But mirrors mostly reflect light. I bet the reflectors you buy for HPS or whatever is probably made out of pure metal just because its cheaper, solid and might resist the heat better.

Now, since CDs arent exactly mirrors i thought there might be some significant difference. Thats why i asked.
Btw, i do have a proper reflector but i feel that spotlighting all the light might be more effective when i only have one plant.


Well-Known Member
i've heard they absorb light. though i havent researched it.. i just take the advice given.. heres a chart i go by...



Mirrors do absorb some light and emit additional heat in place of the light. Some kind of reaction between electrons, atoms and so on.

Dont listen to the allu foil haters... nothing wrong with it and reflects about 60% of light back. Yes Mylar is more like 90% and white paint does whatever white paint does.... Dont get the fascination with white paint. ESP when people use it so badly with one coat showing all their cardboard or wooden box beneath.

All I know, If i point a torch on a piece of white paper, some will shine through.

If I point a torch on a piece of allu foil the same thickness of the paper, it wont shine through.

To me, that would symbolize losing more light rather than keeping.