TGA Hydro Grow Pennywise, Mickeykush, Jillybean


Well-Known Member
pink bandanas and scarfs,lol, got a busy week bro, holla atcha next weekend ..will close with this, one of my fav.peace.



Active Member
bigworm6969 thos may seem silly but if your resevoir is in your grow room it should have a lid ( I'm sure you know that ) lol also are you running a dehumidifier 24hrs and you may need to run a heater at night, what are your daytime and nighttime temps ?


Well-Known Member
whats up shawns, i do have a lid on my res ,i run my lights at night from 7 to 7 and in the day when lights are out i do have a heater running, i dont have a dehumidifier in there usually my humidity doesnt go above 40%, i hate haveing to run the heater cause of the electric bill so i really am not tring to run the humidifier but i will if i have to, Thanks worm
bigworm6969 thos may seem silly but if your resevoir is in your grow room it should have a lid ( I'm sure you know that ) lol also are you running a dehumidifier 24hrs and you may need to run a heater at night, what are your daytime and nighttime temps ?


Well-Known Member
Well that sucks about the mold issues, hopefully you get it figured out. When I lived in San Diego, I would always have to battle PM and mold, I used Serenade and it worked very very good, it does smell like sharp rotten vinegar but works very good and is OMRI listed!!!

Have you ever seen the Jorge Cervantes video of h202 wash. Its on you tube if you havent, I never tried but know my good friend has and it works good!



Well-Known Member
Worm start usimg silica blast.. I used to have PM, since i started using silica i no longer have mold. Take my advice.. If next run u use silica and it dont clear up the issuse ill pay u 100 dollars.


Well-Known Member
thanks kiss and dlopez i will try the silca blast, i went 6 years with no mold issues in this room and this last grow i didnt clean out my room like i usually do because i was wantting a fast turn around like 2 months so its tottaly my fault but i will try that silca stuff


Well-Known Member
Yeah I am having problems with the up loader too! Its a real pain in the ass!

Nice nutes and even better buds!



Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;sKZazWSFzIo][/video]hahahahaha shit got my kidneys hurting


Well-Known Member
i wish a nigga would[video=youtube;ShGyI0B10Gk][/video]