MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

hey guys!
Any of you were able to get a loan somewhere ??? I have been looking everywhere here in Québec. The banker here look at me like i was the devil :)
People and investor or so ignorant about medical marijuana, all i need is 25K and i will have a prosper business. they just don't have the balls to be tag with the industry.
A question for those people who have a better grasp on marketing than myself....
Why wouldn't Tweed come out and offer their product for $2-4/g instead of $7-12/g?
Some of you think that's what the price will be, so why not start at that price?
Starting at $2/g would surely discourage others from entering the game wouldn't it?

Good question, Im no marketing guy either(see bill hicks views on the subject) but my usual goto answer is they are either inept or greedy.
Guys and gals go get a marketing book or two and read it well. The conversations on numbers leads me to believe that some of you don't have any marketing background. Sorry if you do but for those that don't here are a few pointers
perceived value is linked to price, so a watch that cost 500 is better than one that cost 250, and the one that is 100 must be cheap. You walk into a store and say I want to buy a watch, the sales person listens than shows you the 500 watch but says nothing about the price. You admire the watch it's the one, has every thing you want in bling, how much is it you ask, 500 WTF I can't ford that. That my friends is called setting the anchor. So he goes to the 100 watch which is a peace of crap and you say, got something in-between, yup you just got suckered into buying the $250.00 watch that they make the most money on. This business is run no different. That will be $50.00 for the lesson.

I agree with you, but given the legal status of the product you basically cant use marketing.. which is what you need to install that perceived value! thats the catch 22 here, this is a product that screams for marketing, but s.70 of the Narcotic Control Regulations basically prevents that..
Perishable? I guess it is somewhat, but it's not lettuce. That being said, I hear what you are saying but anyone developing their plan at $8/g is delusional. We have set our target price much lower, and we dont need a huge number of registered patients to support our plan.

You made a comparison to the beer industry which is dominated by large corporations. However, there are a lot of microbrews that manage to compete. They may never develop into huge international corporations, but that is not really the point. I can't speak for everyone, but it isn't my goal to become the Molson of medical marihuana, just to make a living selling high quality medicine at a reasonable price.

It may be obvious by now that I am not the business person in my group and dont have any marketing experience, so perhaps we are doomed to fail and I dont even know it. However, I believe that this is an industry where their is huge demand for small batch products. One of the biggest concerns I hear from patients is that it will be overrun with large corporations. Hopefully enough people will put their money where their mouth is and support the little guys.

Given all of your fear and apparent attempts to discourage others, one might wonder why you are proceeding?

Legalization. thats it. if your business can just scratch until that happens its a homerun. and hopefully im wrong and the prices stay @ +/-$7/g. Im just aware of the imbalance between supply/demand right now. It just scares me that alot of hard working people have dumped a shockingly large % of their investible assets in a venture that is full of land mines. As long as people are aware of the risks its fine, but I think alot of people just put $7.60/g in their spreadsheet or business plan and thought HOW CAN I LOOSE!!
from personal experience, the peace naturals product is well priced, but sub par, and they are always out of stock, only the least popular stuff is avail when calling in.
Not a lot of real info on the new LP, Canna Farms, but they seem to be pushing the idea they are smaller and family run. This I like. Pending further information, these guys look like the type of LP I would go to. Of course, that would depend on their quality, but I am optimistic that there's a chance for smaller LPs.
Not a lot of real info on the new LP, Canna Farms, but they seem to be pushing the idea they are smaller and family run. This I like. Pending further information, these guys look like the type of LP I would go to. Of course, that would depend on their quality, but I am optimistic that there's a chance for smaller LPs.

i like what your saying here,
Hey Everyone,

Thanks, We are happy to finally be licensed! First in BC!

We expect to be offering the best quality product available.

We are a smaller operation and take the time to tend to all our plants, We have not decided a price point yet since we don't have any product for sale!

We currently have about 15 strains in production, and will have access to about 65 more total 80.

Every registrant will be asked to fill out a feedback form listing what strains they want us to produce so we can put those into production next once we see what people want!!

Working on pics for our site.

Feel free to e-mail us at [email protected]

We have been swamped with calls since being listed and hope to get back to every one ASAP.
Nice, yes please tell us more about your application process, as well as info on your size, setup and pricing!

Glad to hear a "smaller operation" got approved!

Do you still plan for $3.50 - $5/gram?
Hey Everyone,

Thanks, We are happy to finally be licensed! First in BC!

We expect to be offering the best quality product available.

We are a smaller operation and take the time to tend to all our plants, We have not decided a price point yet since we don't have any product for sale!

We currently have about 15 strains in production, and will have access to about 65 more total 80.

Every registrant will be asked to fill out a feedback form listing what strains they want us to produce so we can put those into production next once we see what people want!!

Working on pics for our site.

Feel free to e-mail us at [email protected]

We have been swamped with calls since being listed and hope to get back to every one ASAP.

Congrats to you guys!
I think this thread is a good example how the marketing is working or going to work out there, just read the comments. All the opinions are there on Price $12.00 gee that's high, $5.00 they must be OK producers, $3 to $4.00 now your talking what the masses want to pay, but some of us have a little more money and I'll take the $12.00 after all it has to be better because their charging more. Perceived value!

On companies look at the posts, Tweed, death to Tweed they are Big so they are Bad, fuck Peace naturals too, all the PL's listed are big, down with big, wait there is hope on the horizon, what's this we found a unicorn it's Cannafarms and they have a green space for their plants and only play happy music and the sun shines all day.

Were already marketing to you and you don't see it.

Most people are stumped when it comes to marketing in our regulated industry, the drug companies still market to you, it's just different ways they use. Look at what they do, and see what options they use than adapt them to your needs.

I like Cannafarms chill vibe myself and I like the way they identified the products, I kind of wish I worked for them they give me a warm feeling. Anyhow marketing in action.

By the way I think saying just because they are big the meds suck is a serious mistake no one should make in this new market. The only exception is PPP/Canni-med even changing thier name has not saved they from 12 years of selling crap.
Hey Everyone,

Thanks, We are happy to finally be licensed! First in BC!

We expect to be offering the best quality product available.

We are a smaller operation and take the time to tend to all our plants, We have not decided a price point yet since we don't have any product for sale!

We currently have about 15 strains in production, and will have access to about 65 more total 80.

Every registrant will be asked to fill out a feedback form listing what strains they want us to produce so we can put those into production next once we see what people want!!

Working on pics for our site.

Feel free to e-mail us at [email protected]

We have been swamped with calls since being listed and hope to get back to every one ASAP.

Congrats! All the best!
Hope you keep in touch....
It will be interesting to see how many (if any) LPs come back to this site once approved to share information and help others get approved.
Hey Everyone,

Thanks, We are happy to finally be licensed! First in BC!

We expect to be offering the best quality product available.

We are a smaller operation and take the time to tend to all our plants, We have not decided a price point yet since we don't have any product for sale!

We currently have about 15 strains in production, and will have access to about 65 more total 80.

Every registrant will be asked to fill out a feedback form listing what strains they want us to produce so we can put those into production next once we see what people want!!

Working on pics for our site.

Feel free to e-mail us at [email protected]

We have been swamped with calls since being listed and hope to get back to every one ASAP.

Congratulations! I am so glad to see a "smaller" Lp licensed. We are hoping to have our inspection in early March and we are also on the smaller side. I love your web site and like the way you seem to be running your business.
Wow, after reading all the financial analysis (FA) last night I was ready to call it a day...but I put too much into this to quit now. The good thing about the FA is that I have been able to make a sustainable and still profitable business case using a lower price point of $2.50/g down from $6.50/g. I think as small LP's we will survive the shake up that occurs, the Big LP's will be their own worse enemies if they engage in a flat out price war, we may lose our socks, but they will lose a lot more, remember legalization is not part of the equation at this point so the market will remain small and competitive. Small LP's will need to organize an association soon after a few more get approved.
Where to draw the line though, what is a big LP vs not? Tweed is obviously large, but what of LP's Agrima's size?
That's a really good question Spice.....what DOES constitute a "Big LP" vs a "small LP"? Putting a cap on square footage doesn't work. So how do you decide who the bad guys are and who the good guys are? It seems so arbitrary.

I considered starting a new thread, but that'd start a shitstorm, and really, where better to define a small LP than in the small LP thread?

I'd really like to hear everyone's definition too. The wannabes, the LP haters, the active LPs (how do you see yourself?), the patients planning to use an LP, and everyone in between.