MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

After submitting an app over 3 years ago, and not hearing a peep from Health Canada in over a year. A letter shows up today asking when we can start producing. WTF? Would be shitty if we get passed over because we were being smart and not building until we got the To start the build. There's a big push right now for approving upto 50 more LP's in the next couple weeks. Finally a true market where the consumer will dictate who's successful and who fails, no more captive consumers. Rumour has it there will be 250 LP's in the near future. Remember to support the little guys, corporate cannabis is not your friend.


and they're sellin all this extra shwags to whom?

50 more LP shwag piles of poison. Never to be sold from an LP ;)

Better hope yer growin skills and strains are Top Notch.... or know where you will be..shwag central endless piles.of Commercial shwags
Your a little out of touch, there is a big demand for LP cannabis. So much so they can't keep up with their current patients demands. I belong to several communities and the consensus is that stock and variety is an issue. There could be 200 LP's within the next year, and still not satisfy demand with rec added. Maybe time to make the big boy decision and start my build, my plans haven't changed $5 grams $100 oz's. Give me a year and I'll put my money where my mouth is.

Your a little out of touch, there is a big demand for LP cannabis. So much so they can't keep up with their current patients demands. I belong to several communities and the consensus is that stock and variety is an issue. There could be 200 LP's within the next year, and still not satisfy demand with rec added. Maybe time to make the big boy decision and start my build, my plans haven't changed $5 grams $100 oz's. Give me a year and I'll put my money where my mouth is.

you will fail
Mark my words,

What we have had to say, far out ways any of your drivel
but hey
who counting ;)

five bucks a gram lmaorotfff..... now yer really showin your prowess. Kid! (:
Can buy cheap BC shwag for less than that on this side of the dirt pile ....been that way for a LONG TIME ,,,, a wee bit behind the times it seems ;)
"I'll put my money where my mouth is."

Don't choke on your chump change ;)
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After submitting an app over 3 years ago, and not hearing a peep from Health Canada in over a year. A letter shows up today asking when we can start producing. WTF? Would be shitty if we get passed over because we were being smart and not building until we got the To start the build. There's a big push right now for approving upto 50 more LP's in the next couple weeks. Finally a true market where the consumer will dictate who's successful and who fails, no more captive consumers. Rumour has it there will be 250 LP's in the near future. Remember to support the little guys, corporate cannabis is not your friend.

They finally figured out they don't have enough growers to meet their demands. Jump on the bandwagon with both feet. Some day it will be no more lucrative than growing wheat.
enough growers for demand..???????????????????????????? lol(:(:(::blsmoke::bigjoint::mrgreen::idea::idea:

who are you foolin besides everyone and yourself
The market is HERE and it s TAKEN CARE OF ALREADY
its not like theres going to be NEW SMOKERS all ovf a sudden
wake up people

there isn't any NEW MARET for poison shwags never will be never has been.
simple shit people

economics folks..Theres ONLY SO MUCH THAT CAN BE SOLD ;)

oh shit :lol: really they say?? hahahahah

smoking and eatin AINT the market folks ;)
you will fail
Mark my words,

What we have had to say, far out ways any of your drivel
but hey
who counting ;)

five bucks a gram lmaorotfff..... now yer really showin your prowess. Kid! (:

"I'll put my money where my mouth is."

Don't choke on your chump change ;)

"You will fail, Mark my words"


Your a little out of touch, there is a big demand for LP cannabis. So much so they can't keep up with their current patients demands. I belong to several communities and the consensus is that stock and variety is an issue. There could be 200 LP's within the next year, and still not satisfy demand with rec added. Maybe time to make the big boy decision and start my build, my plans haven't changed $5 grams $100 oz's. Give me a year and I'll put my money where my mouth is.


Demand? What demand? LP's are sitting on 18,000 kg of flower and over 5000 kg of oil. If demand is so high, why are they not moving their current inventories?
oh damn.....
he forgot about that Pile O Shwags! :bigjoint:

No One Wants POISON...That's stuff is ALL POISON..and ALL COMERCIAL SHWAG IS SPRAYED WITH ANY ONE, OR MORE OF 17 different poisons !!!
People or sheeple like things that come in pretty packages...this is what I'm seeing here...people like brands of XX...this now includes cannabis. I'm assuming a lot of rec folks are jumping on the medical bandwagon right is legal right? It takes those peeps a lot less cannabis to get the desired outcome...they will happily take that 1-3 g/d and be on there merry way....since most of the dispensaries I've been to sell for $8-$12/g, I would welcome well grown meds at $ be honest, I don't know or care what LPs are selling for-I won't be a customer of theirs. I don't think itsme is that far off. The best price I can get in Whitehorse is averaging $200/oz....growing your own is always the best option unless that option is not available to you...a final thought...a lot of people aren't up on the poison shwagg like some here are....some people just simply don't care to know.
you will fail
Mark my words,

What we have had to say, far out ways any of your drivel
but hey
who counting ;)

five bucks a gram lmaorotfff..... now yer really showin your prowess. Kid! (:
Can buy cheap BC shwag for less than that on this side of the dirt pile ....been that way for a LONG TIME ,,,, a wee bit behind the times it seems ;)
"I'll put my money where my mouth is."

Don't choke on your chump change ;)
"You will fail, Mark my words"



If he was a person in the black market pushing a 100 lighter even 200 lighter would you call the end product shwag or what? For years people have been able to push out quality and packs.. .

@itsmehigh People Love to hate when they see what other people can be successfull at.

Which Man or Woman hates or wishes a small person bad vibes on a venture to sell Cananbis Legally in a Medicinal or Recreational Market.

Whats so wrong to @gb123 with investing in yourself and making money.. If you wont want to purchase the product dont.

People are mad because they cannot make money of their pot anymore; or the dispensaries they sold there extras too no longer need.


there is a huge deamnd for marijuana right now. Goto any dispensary and talk to the managers and they will tell you that they need supply. This is in Ontario and as of June, 2017 current month. As soon as rec hits and dispensing happens people will buy it up.

The product that they have in most dispensaries are alright...

To anyone that thinks a small grower/medium grower will fail after doing this for 10 years already and going legal will fail have something else coming.

I understand the pent energy built up; that you cannot articulate oneself to an investor, or group to help your dream come true.
Processing close to 10k apps/month since Dec/16....and it seems like LP buyers get preferential treatment. There's the cause of the long ass wait times for growing your own.