if I owned Mettrum or any LP for that matter ...I would put my tail between my legs and run.
then find a rock to crawl under....then stay there for a long time....coming out only to
make a once a year speech to members about all the moral reasons
our company was formed.....
The onus is on their grower, using such a product tells a lot about their growers qualifications, and their IPM. Personally I would can the grower or whomever authorized the use of snake oil.

I'm sure the grower doesn't have the final say. When a huge crop is threatened, it wouldn't be unrealistic for management to demand products are used to avoid the financial loss. It could very well be something a grower did by himself, but I'm leaning toward upper-management being ultimately responsible for authorizing the use of snake oil. Profits before patients...
I'm sure the grower doesn't have the final say. When a huge crop is threatened, it wouldn't be unrealistic for management to demand products are used to avoid the financial loss. It could very well be something a grower did by himself, but I'm leaning toward upper-management being ultimately responsible for authorizing the use of snake oil. Profits before patients...
otherwise they wouldn't irradiate either
I disagree, the head grower and the quality assurance tech. would have final say. I've been involved in the proses and SOP's. The product in question was marketed as frequency water, 98%-99% water. Now the company needs to lable .00075% pyrithirins. The recall is over the company NPK not labelling their product correctly. The LP thought they were just buying frequency water as per NPK's claim.
I would say that the QA would have issued the recall, to cover their own asses for allowing the use of a snake oil by there grow expert. Those two are solely responsable.

AlI I need to say is sa-weet to lost profit and to newfound shame. Too bad for them eh @itsmehigh ...your hero's are the jerks I said they are. Profiteering wagon jumpers....stealing your food outta your mouth.
Anything bad for Lp's is good by me. Maybe even jail would be nice for them.
Those two are solely responsable.
I disagree but we'll never know. What would motivate a grower to break the rules? Not saying it couldn't happen, but what does he/she gain?... but a CEO trying to show a profit to investors might have a greater motivation. Just sayin'. They haven't shown themselves to be pro-patient over pro-profit in the past. They don't have the market cornered on dirty corporate profits, but they are an active participant.
I disagree but we'll never know. What would motivate a grower to break the rules? Not saying it couldn't happen, but what does he/she gain?... but a CEO trying to show a profit to investors might have a greater motivation. Just sayin'. They haven't shown themselves to be pro-patient over pro-profit in the past. They don't have the market cornered on dirty corporate profits, but they are an active participant.

The grower has his job and reputation to protect, that's pretty strong motivation. Ultimately the QA is responsible, he/she gets the last word on the meds. They are the ones that should be held accountable not the suits in an office. Any smart suit wouldn't jeprodise their licence by not following the QA decision. The grower and QA are hired by the suits because the suits don't have a clue, they should listen to their so called "experts".

Who ever approved the use of the product, grower or QA, they are the experts and should be held accountable.

The grower has his job and reputation to protect, that's pretty strong motivation. Ultimately the QA is responsible, he/she gets the last word on the meds. They are the ones that should be held accountable not the suits in an office. Any smart suit wouldn't jeprodise their licence by not following the QA decision. The grower and QA are hired by the suits because the suits don't have a clue, they should listen to their so called "experts".

Who ever approved the use of the product, grower or QA, they are the experts and should be held accountable.

The responsibility ultimately rests with the CEO, the grower is about two steps up from floor sweeper. Cannabis crops are often affected by 'bugs' through no fault of the grower, so I'm not sure how his job or reputation would be affected by following the rules? Like I said, we'll never know, but the greater motivation was a financial one...and the grower doesn't make that call.
Mighty Wash was taken off the market for having contained pyretherins. It was probably what they were using. It's supposed to be frequency water only. It was contaminated at levels around 6ppm which is pretty small. It was likely manufacturing contamination.
The responsibility ultimately rests with the CEO, the grower is about two steps up from floor sweeper. Cannabis crops are often affected by 'bugs' through no fault of the grower, so I'm not sure how his job or reputation would be affected by following the rules? Like I said, we'll never know, but the greater motivation was a financial one...and the grower doesn't make that call.

Most of these suit and ties have no clue about growing cannabis. The ones I have worked with take the growers/QA word as gold, as it should be. They are hired as the ceo's experts, why even have them if your not going to listen to them. To say the growers 2 steps above floor sweeper is just ignorant. Without a competent grower the CEO has nothing. The grower is solely responsable for the cannabis crop. The QA is solely resoponsable for the release/recall of the cannabis.

Mighty Wash was taken off the market for having contained pyretherins. It was probably what they were using. It's supposed to be frequency water only. It was contaminated at levels around 6ppm which is pretty small. It was likely manufacturing contamination.

There are internet forum posts dating back to 2011 about Mega Wash/Mighty Wash containing pyrethrins someone even sent it to a lab. Long time to keep your bottling environment so dirty.
Most of these suit and ties have no clue about growing cannabis. The ones I have worked with take the growers/QA word as gold, as it should be. They are hired as the ceo's experts, why even have them if your not going to listen to them. To say the growers 2 steps above floor sweeper is just ignorant. Without a competent grower the CEO has nothing. The grower is solely responsable for the cannabis crop. The QA is solely resoponsable for the release/recall of the cannabis.

I think maybe you are putting growers on to high a pedestal. If they run the show, there is no need for all the suits.No CEO is worth anything without qualified talent, but the decisions are made at the top and that's where the responsibility falls. You are clearly convinced it was the fault of an over-protective grower worried about his reputation, and I say it is just as, or more likely it was a financial decision made higher up. There is no way to prove it either way, we know the LP isn't going to divulge anything. I just don't trust any corporation to put the safety of their customers ahead of profit for investors...especially in a shady industry like this.
There are internet forum posts dating back to 2011 about Mega Wash/Mighty Wash containing pyrethrins someone even sent it to a lab. Long time to keep your bottling environment so dirty.

It's most likely cross contamination in the factory. It was a very low dose of it. It's still bad to not have the QC to make your product as advertised though IMO.
It's most likely cross contamination in the factory. It was a very low dose of it. It's still bad to not have the QC to make your product as advertised though IMO.

I doubt it since GP doesn't make any other products with pyrethin in them which would have to registered in Canada as a commercial or domestic pesticide. As for the factory, its a warehouse in Surrey..