Please Help just got a plant and don't know what's next


Active Member

I just got this plant, its black domina, i need to grow it outdoors what is my next step? the guy told me to keep it in the dark, should i get a bigger cup and put more soil?


wtf l0L

Active Member
get a bigger pot with more soil and put it in the sun! leave the soil on the roots to avoid stress.


Active Member
That's it? Just keep it outside in the sunlight? for how many hours? how much bigger of a pot should i get?


Well-Known Member
A clone is a cutting off of another plant, they cut it and dip it in rooting hormone and when it dev roots it becomes another plant! Black domina is a really good plant it is definitely a good thing!
start by reading the grow faq top left and this one too it is a bit more comprehensive:
Drugs-Forum - Cannabis cultivation: Overgrow's GrowFAQ
Good luck buddy!
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Active Member
hey it looks great, i would personally go with open ground if u can but a pot is no diffrent, pretty much plant, water before you plant and after, helps with stress, make sure it gets maximum sun per day, fertalize if you feel nessicary, but its not needed really, and the plant will progess on itsa own, watter when dry, but dont overwatter, hurts thc production, just ploant and let it be basically,i water every 2-3 days when not raining.

the plant will go through stages and mabey something like this, if u jus twant to throw in the ground and go then here, no fertalizer, nothing but a lil watter when its really dry, least amount of effort.

1- sapling 1 week
2-mid sized- 3-4 weeks
3- gettign bigger-1.5 months

heres my whole outdoor patch for 08 so far, really no work easy =) good luck



Well-Known Member
Get a 5 gallon bucket or pot, whichever you prefer. I choose a pot to be more discrete. 5 gallon mimimum.

Get some organic soil I reccomend Fox Farms ocean forest. - Farming Resources and Information. This website is for sale! they have a dealer locater for you, thats how I find mine since they dont sell it in very many places. Luckily it was only 5 minutes away.

For the first two days, put it in the shade in the morning until later in the day then put it in the sunlight.

At night move it back where its going to be shady so the morning sun doesnt blast it.

After that just move it to its best permanent location where it gets as much sunlight as possible. The more sun the better.

Water when you notice the top of the soil is dry. Be sure not to over water the plant or it can die. Over watering is worst then under watering just an fyi.

be patient and watch it grow. :D


Active Member
Get a 5 gallon bucket or pot, whichever you prefer. I choose a pot to be more discrete. 5 gallon mimimum.

Get some organic soil I reccomend Fox Farms ocean forest. - Farming Resources and Information. This website is for sale! they have a dealer locater for you, thats how I find mine since they dont sell it in very many places. Luckily it was only 5 minutes away.

For the first two days, put it in the shade in the morning until later in the day then put it in the sunlight.

At night move it back where its going to be shady so the morning sun doesnt blast it.

After that just move it to its best permanent location where it gets as much sunlight as possible. The more sun the better.

Water when you notice the top of the soil is dry. Be sure not to over water the plant or it can die. Over watering is worst then under watering just an fyi.

be patient and watch it grow. :D
Thanks for the reply man

When should I put it in a 5 gallon pot, It's small right now should I just put it in a party cup full of soil for now? What about mulch should I put mulch?

Thanks for the replies man.

hey it looks great, i would personally go with open ground if u can but a pot is no diffrent, pretty much plant, water before you plant and after, helps with stress, make sure it gets maximum sun per day, fertalize if you feel nessicary, but its not needed really, and the plant will progess on itsa own, watter when dry, but dont overwatter, hurts thc production, just ploant and let it be basically,i water every 2-3 days when not raining.

the plant will go through stages and mabey something like this, if u jus twant to throw in the ground and go then here, no fertalizer, nothing but a lil watter when its really dry, least amount of effort.

1- sapling 1 week
2-mid sized- 3-4 weeks
3- gettign bigger-1.5 months

heres my whole outdoor patch for 08 so far, really no work easy =) good luck
Hey thanks for the walk through, how much water should I be giving it ? Do I use a water spray bottle when it's small? Also should I leave it outside during the night when it's this small?

A clone is a cutting off of another plant, they cut it and dip it in rooting hormone and when it dev roots it becomes another plant! Black domina is a really good plant it is definitely a good thing!
start by reading the grow faq top left and this one too it is a bit more comprehensive:
Drugs-Forum - Cannabis cultivation: Overgrow's GrowFAQ
Good luck buddy!
Hey thanks for the reply man, I appreciate it


Well-Known Member
Leave it outside at all times. More sun the better. 5 gallon pot is a little big now but it will do fine. Transplanting less = better. :D goodluck.


Active Member
just get soil wet and damp, let it soak it once then second shot, soil will hold all it can once saturated ecsess will pool, yes underwater a tad bit, helps plants grow tougher, i use a half water bottle, jsut cut it in half, but thats bc im lazy and dont like to wait for bottle to fill up, but jus tuse bottle and put finger over half of entrance so u get a nice flow, just avoid moving dirt to much with splash, but with your root mass so big youll have no problem lol, u cant screw it up really, just dont do any extremes,

hey i will let u know anything i find that works good lol, i cropped one of mine today, some advanced teqniques, but it looks like a great plant, keep it up, lol


Active Member
Leave it outside at all times. More sun the better. 5 gallon pot is a little big now but it will do fine. Transplanting less = better. :D goodluck.
Thanks man! I see what you're saying

just get soil wet and damp, let it soak it once then second shot, soil will hold all it can once saturated ecsess will pool, yes underwater a tad bit, helps plants grow tougher, i use a half water bottle, jsut cut it in half, but thats bc im lazy and dont like to wait for bottle to fill up, but jus tuse bottle and put finger over half of entrance so u get a nice flow, just avoid moving dirt to much with splash, but with your root mass so big youll have no problem lol, u cant screw it up really, just dont do any extremes,

hey i will let u know anything i find that works good lol, i cropped one of mine today, some advanced teqniques, but it looks like a great plant, keep it up, lol
Thanks man , I'm gonna need all the help I could get!


Well-Known Member
Get some good soil and a bigger pot. Put it outside and that's basically it:-) G'Luck
