The speech was rousing, warming, encouraging and moving. It was filled with platitudes, compact with expectations and near promises of things he is incapable of doing for any number of reasons. It was, in effect, the fast food of State of the Union presidential speeches. There were things he asked for congress's help on that he could do unilateraly (like reduce or end drone killings). He insisted that he would take on issues unilateraly who's legality is questionable and even if not, would be temporary as all presidential edicts are. He asked for help from congress which he knows and has known he will never get. I was deeply ashamed that he had to mention that our movie theaters, malls, and kindergardens were not safe. And finally, even though he knew that wounded soldier before and after the wounds - I was embarassed, deeply so that he was on his 10th deployment, that he was applauded for struggling to mend the harm that our country caused him to suffer for no apparent reason and that Obama used this fellow to gain a response from the totality of the gathering. I am sorry I missed the responses but a notary arrived for me to sign morgage papers - that were it turns out, unsignable.