the draw really is powerful. i packed up most everything i own and headed west a few years back and lasted a matter of weeks before i was pining for my mitten. there is nothing else anywhere else in the world that MI doesn't have in spades. well besides jobs maybe but thats a story for another day. Il bet that a couple thousand years down the line michigan area is going to be a very popular area of the planet. i cant pretend to know whats going to happen, like the water becoming more valuable or whatever, but i am willing to wager that "The draw" if given enough time will win out. the beauty of our state is a constant reminder to the rest of the world just how good life really can get.
I agree that Michigan is great, but if you ever happen to get out to the mountains that's the next level of great imo. Western Canada is where I eventually want to settle down. The Canadian Rocky mtns, lakes, wildlife like you just don't see around these parts. It's really magical.
I agree that Michigan is great, but if you ever happen to get out to the mountains that's the next level of great imo. Western Canada is where I eventually want to settle down. The Canadian Rocky mtns, lakes, wildlife like you just don't see around these parts. It's really magical.
A good read on returning our depleted minerals back to our soil, and helping our own well being at the same time. Two quick reads:
These are article excerpts from Dr. Maynard Murray on his research (and newly re-published) Sea Energy Agriculture.
I found these PDF's on Project Avalon Forum : thread Sea Water Based Organic Fertilizer
Can you tell us about 'nelson' bC--since you lived up there......