That's right! You guys have that deep dry powder. That must be like a feather bed when you crash into it. Only a few times have I ever been that deep with powder. Down here you get an inch or two of powder over ice. It's miserable to fall into but a few times I've been on deep powder where it was like jumping into a feather bed. You'd pull all kinds of crazy shit with no fear!
He's over max gross for that buffer and he's doing it wrong
The person driving the buffer has to really know how as well as have the right english for the machine and be strong enough to control some of the momentum if it runs away. Then you select a smallish female to sit atop the buffer. The moment before the buffer starts for the first time the novice sits up straight sort of like a Buick hood ornament. Odds change fast at these times, fortunes can be won and lost in the blink of an eye (I ate mostly cold hot dog relish the rest of that month), so this was mistake #1 in a long chain that night.
So the first time I was peeled off the opposite wall sort of like the coyote and his first use of Acme roller skates. Most smart girls stopped at this point, but not me
I spent much time considering how this challenge could be met. I realized that you had to get slightly ahead of the buffer driver's input into the system. In other words I had to lean into the turns, just enough, to much and you would be picking me out of the opposite wall again.
At this point the answer just SCREAMS itself in your ear! ALCOHOL! ..... then your adrenalin charged reflexes settled right in and bingo you cleaned up handily the next month.
Oh yeah and you spent the month in between the re-match explaining that yes those two black eyes were really because you walked into a wall, yes really a wall in the dark on the way to the bathroom (if they kept prying).
Ahh the foolishness of youth.