"The Compassionate Tea Party State of Utah AKA What Sick Fucks"..


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to go searching. Again there are a lot of people here I disagree with. If I called you a racist. You earned it.
Yet you refuse to prove it, because you can't. Pretending you stating proves it is true is asinine. Face it, you can't support your false accusations.


Well-Known Member
I was very intrigued by the personality when it was just a weird icon and funny spelling name. Can she cook? I can cook? Can you? Is that what you need from a women, a servant?
If I wanted a servant, I might hire you. How well can you cook?


Well-Known Member
why so "fired" up today, red?:lol:
My, my. Just can't stop, can you. What kind of mother cheers the death of children? Oh, your kind. No wonder they took them away from you, or did you just throw them away on your own? You must be so proud.


Well-Known Member
yup and threw it in the garbage in front of the other students..nice right? a compassionate people..twisted fucks!

EDIT: perhaps you can understand *NOW* why we need government to regulate..we the people, cannot trust in others, that they will do the right thing..this is the clearest example.
In the 1940's our government sent all the Japanese Americans to internment camps because they were Asian...

You mean that compassionate government??


Well-Known Member
I like the abuse of likes.

I like that likes are not harmed....no dis-like button....

Is it gone for good in this years budget?

It is similar to butts sniffing for dogs....I NEED to know. Boooo Hooooo...ho


Well-Known Member
I didn't want to write out, "only a very strange Person, indeed..." So I said a queer. Same thing, I thought.

But, I really meant to say, Homosexual. Sorry for the confusion. :)


Well-Known Member
In the 1940's our government sent all the Japanese Americans to internment camps because they were Asian...

You mean that compassionate government??
That is not even why. It was to protect them from the Klu Klux Klan. It was to protect ourselves in war time, from internal unrest, and there was the spy question, and the irregular support risk in invasion. So, if Japan did not want that to happen, they had choices. But, after the ballon goes up, there are no longer social concerns for civilians.

It was compassion, you joke. There was an exclusion zone the width of CA, bisecting OR, WA, and AZ. Why you future handwavers don't understnd is that the Japanese had the entire coast under probing attack.

So, invasion seemed imminate after Pearl Harbor. Subs shelled our oil facilties in LA, and some firebombing was do on our Northern Forest.

So, wake up and read the history.

110,000 we protected from ourselves.

In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed into law legislation that apologized for the internment on behalf of the U.S. government. The legislation said that government actions were based on "race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership".[SUP][12][/SUP] The U.S. government eventually disbursed more than $1.6 billion in reparations to Japanese Americans who had been interned and their heirs.[SUP][13][/SUP]

So, the govt at the time reacted as best we could, and then as we matured, we acknowledged it was a heavy hand. But, there was no brutalization and starvation. No death marches to Butan.

So, I guess you don't understand compassion in War Time. We almost lost WW2 and we still are fighting the dregs to this day.


Well-Known Member
I didn't want to write out, "only a very strange Person, indeed..." So I said a queer. Same thing, I thought.

But, I really meant to say, Homosexual. Sorry for the confusion. :)
the educated and well read on this site understand multiple meaning for words..no harm, no foul.


Well-Known Member
the educated and well read on this site understand multiple meaning for words..no harm, no foul.
Oh, words have multiple meanings! Good to know. Hmmm, enlightening. Wow, so if you Put it, Unusually Nice, that is what PUN stands for, right?