Im in the mental hospital.


Well-Known Member
Dude, getting blown by 1 chick in a mental hospital is bad enough, 3 chicks makes you sound like some kind of predator or something
The girls obviously WANTED to blow Me, they were all old enough. It was a good hospitalization to say thr least, that hospitalization was another vacation.

I didnt rape anyone.



Well-Known Member
Its me again George. Just wondering. If you cant afford to have the utilities for your house activated or even afford the gas to get there, how do the taxes get paid on the property? Oh yeah. Get blown mean...get well soon George. Yeah, yeah I know..."really Im fine. Just need a vacation blah, blah yadda, yadda." Get well George!
Hey Mudminer, I pay for My taxes on My house to keep it from getting foreclosed but thats it. I cant afford to live in My house by Myself, I need a roommate or two. My house is all set up for growing, the flowering room has 3 thousand watts and about 1KW in the vegg room. I wouldnt mind renting My house to a grower that would do a proper job. If I was growing in My house, I would be making about 100K a year and money wouldnt be such a problem. But I might just sell My house but Id rather rent it to a grower.



Well-Known Member
If you were christ you would be doing something beyond constructive instead of being "bored" supplying us all with god bud
What I have done, you wouldnt understand right now, but the future will understand.

If I had some kind of real power or authority, I would turn this world into a paradise where most everything was affordable, an abundance of goods. I would totally terraform this earth into the garden (of Eden) so to speak. Everyone would have more then enough; I would grow farms everywhere to make it a resource based economy. I would bless and bless and continue blessing. No one would lack the basic essentials, it would be an economy of more then enough.

I have My ways, check out My signature linlks for details. My signature can be found by clicking on "Nevaeh420" in My avatar.



Well-Known Member
i thought christ was perfect in everyway,you seem a little huh humm how can i say this ...flawed.i guess you can throw the christ thing out the window and start working on the alien thing glad i could help but if it makes you feel better christians believe we are all children of god so.....
No one is perfect, even Christ. Everyone needs to shit and piss and eat and breath and sleep and everyones shit stinks.

I am flawed, very flawed. I have many problems and I talk about a lot of My problems on RIU. If someone didnt have problems, they would be perfect and better then everyone else. Im on the laymans level, becauase I am a layman; that means most people can understand Me. I dont have a superiority complex or think Im better then anyone else, I actually think Im less then most. But we are all special in our unique ways.



Well-Known Member
hey george hope all goes well , and i hope you can get things fixed , going to the physc hospital is nothing to be ashamed of and takes alot of courage to go sign yourself in , so well done and lets hope it helps you out .
you should tell them everything about thejesus complex and the alien encountrs etc etc no point in lieing to them , if you want to be helped .
you are still young and have a whole life ahead of you .
I told the doctor all of My "problems" that I could think of and he decreased My medications, maybe Im not that crazy after all.

I told the doctor about My Christ complex, the alien I saw in 2012, and about the UFOs that I see.



Well-Known Member
The only 'facts' you've presented have been with regards to your perception of things. Nothing is demonstrable, or testable in any way, shape, or form.

You THINK/BELIEVE you are Christ. You THINK/BELIEVE you saw an alien.

Neither of those things are factual when you say 'I AM Christ', or 'I saw aliens'. You have changed them from facts about your perception, to assumptions - WHICH ARE NOT FACTS. You don't KNOW if you're Christ, and you don't KNOW that you saw aliens. You only THINK both of those things.
Youre right in a way Beef, the fact that I believe Im Christ and that I also saw an alien is subjective, but to Me they are facts because Im certain. But I was referring to the other facts about Myself. And its a fact that I have said and claimed the things that I have said, surely thats a fact. If you believe Me or not, its still a fact that I have said exactly what I have said.

Basically, you just told us all that you're going to hide your symptoms from professionals so they won't try to help you.
I told the doctor and My intentions were to tell the doctor but Im not going to debate My Christ complex with people in person, thats what I meant.



Well-Known Member
Silly george thinks its just going to be a "vacation"..christ is off to the loony bin by choice? I think george doesn't tell us the whole truth.... Is this the end of days? Lol
It is the end of days.

When we all die, it will be the end of days.

I believe I am the Life, the sustainer of Life... but the only way to find out if Im the true Life is to die and see what happens next. But I dont want to die any time soon.



Well-Known Member
Alas, I believe they can and they have. A "nut hatch" is nothing if not a controlled environment. Maybe George gave the docs his password and username for the site. I'd pay to see the look on doc's face while he reads Georges post history. I'm sure he'll have lots of (interesting?) stories to tell once he gets out. lol
I would never give My password to anyone. But I did offer the doctors a chance to read about Me but they said they didnt have time to read about My beliefs. But I still offered the doctors a chance to read My "drivel". But they are busy.



Well-Known Member
Heeee's BACK! Dun dun duuuuuun!!!!! lmao!!
Yeah, back to the same old naught.

Recently, Ive come to the conclusion that Im just existing, the same mundane routine. Nothing special for Me to do, just blah. I used to have an exciting life but now its the same old same old.

Maybe Im just getting old.



Well-Known Member
So you're saying you prefer communism?
How did you draw that conclusion?

Who said anything about communism? I believe in a one world online government. The people could dictate what type of economy they want. Im sure different countries would have different forms of goverence but it would be exclusively up to the people of that said country to dictate their own form of government.

This would be the optimal form of government because the people would be the power and the "politicians". I couldnt give too much more of a gift to the world then the optimal form of governing the people.

The online government would be composed of every willing person over the age of 18. People would be dictating the laws from their smartphones, tablets, and laptops. It would be the biggest political blog in the world except you could vote on laws too. It would be a political evolution and revolution.

Can anyone think of a better way to govern besides letting the whole population do the dictating? It wouldnt just be the utter rich writting the laws, it would be the general population writting the laws.



Well-Known Member
One atheist in the booby hatch, but many believers. Interesting correlation...
It goes to show that Atheists are the minority compared to the Theists. There are many Atheists in this world but many more Theists.

Im in the minority too, there arent too many Agnostics compared to Theists either.

I try and like everyone, regardless of their spiritual beliefs. We are all very special gods in a funny way.



Well-Known Member
It goes to show that Atheists are the minority compared to the Theists. There are many Atheists in this world but many more Theists.

Im in the minority too, there arent too many Agnostics compared to Theists either.

I try and like everyone, regardless of their spiritual beliefs. We are all very special gods in a funny way.

Agnostic and theist aren't diametrically opposed. One can be an agnostic atheist or an agnostic theist. I know you have trouble grasping simple concepts, but we've been over this many times before. Try to remember.