What to watch while trimming?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, let me rephrase my answer. The only thing that you watch if you are trimming are your scissors. What you are considering is actually more like listening to the tv.
Yeah no shit. Who is gonna look away from two basically razor blades that are chopping away next to your fingers?

And why can't people just be lost in thought anymore while? Fuck the tv or radio, that many hours just sitting there, I'm gonna have a long conversation with myself.


Well-Known Member
I listen to different lectures, usually philosophy ones. Makes your brain almost forget that youre trimming


Well-Known Member
Dubstep doesnt have to be awful:

Sir Stanky

Active Member
I like to revisit old classics on netflix. Then you can follow the movie or show pretty well without having to look all the time. I've played in so many bands I don't care to listen to much music anymore.


Well-Known Member
I like to revisit old classics on netflix. Then you can follow the movie or show pretty well without having to look all the time. I've played in so many bands I don't care to listen to much music anymore.
Hmmm. Trimming to Earnest T. Bass. Interesting. I may try that. Never thought about going to TV land and running old sitcoms/dramas. Sure, it's empty calories - but i like to think that some of these things can be interesting to watch as an indicator of relative culture. Dragnet might be interesting. I wonder if somebody is running it.

Is it "watching tv"? Or is it "monitoring the culture?"

Did the OP say somewhere that they have trimming to do from your last outdoor harvest? If so, try the dubstep.


Active Member
Nothing like trimming to justify an 11 hour TV marathon into a productive day.

But what to watch?

I'm thinking X Files, just because it was well rated, I've never seen any, and it's insanely long (9 seasons!).

What else is good to watch while trimming?
If I were you I'd watch my fingers whilst trimming.