Mercy on a frustrated Newbie and second attempt to grow.


Well-Known Member
i think you have a pretty good plan and i advise you to go with it. i only want to comment on your soil mix. soil is forgiving like you said and if you blend together the right mix then all you have to do is water for the length of your grow. subcool/organics section has one of the best soil mixes. can you get some stuff off amazon? azomite and dolomite lime are good to have. if you can get some COMPOSTED manure from a neighbors farm its the best stuff for your plants. peat/perlite available at home depot or most nurseries. promix is a brand of peat/lite so then all you would have to do is add the manure and the minerals. i think you'd be wise to go with a nice LED light for your tent. it avoids the heat produced from hid's. if you need more help let me know.



  • if you need more help let me know​

always whiling to lend a hand or word of advice

props dannyboy602 glad to see the good ppl on here making a diff instead of all of the hippos and degrades


Well-Known Member
also agree that miracle grow isnt really that good, i grow in coco/perlite mix 50 / 50
i use a T5 setup and it works awesome i have a 4ft 8bulb fixture and my girls love it!! currently growing 5 OG kush #18 just put them into flower and they are looking very good

i like the T5's bc they are cheap to use and provide a good light footprint and are cheap on the wallet

i knw that they ssy that the hps/mh are always the way to go but for what i got they work amazing
Well I should be getting a few of my items in the next few days. Still stuck on lamp, soil, seeds.

Lamp I was always interested in the LED, but the price is limiting at this stage. Maybe at an upgrade stage down the road. The T5s are interesting and better cost wise and heat (vs hid). While you suggested a 4 foot, that will not fit in my tent. So im limited to a 2 footer. The price is alot better, but do you have a suggestion on a 2 foot T5?

Ive found some from envirogro, sun system, and hydrofarm.

Found this one with choice of bulbs:

Would 2 veg and 2 bloom work, or 4 and 4 and swap out at the proper stage?



New Member
Barn reflecters have dimples on them as not to create hotspots so that smooth one in pic I would avoid at all cost and no no for miracle grow just spend little extra on bytes be far worth it in final of luck mate happy growing ;)


Well I should be getting a few of my items in the next few days. Still stuck on lamp, soil, seeds.

Lamp I was always interested in the LED, but the price is limiting at this stage. Maybe at an upgrade stage down the road. The T5s are interesting and better cost wise and heat (vs hid). While you suggested a 4 foot, that will not fit in my tent. So im limited to a 2 footer. The price is alot better, but do you have a suggestion on a 2 foot T5?

Ive found some from envirogro, sun system, and hydrofarm.

Found this one with choice of bulbs:

Would 2 veg and 2 bloom work, or 4 and 4 and swap out at the proper stage?

if you can afford it i would go with this

anytime you add more bulbs you add more light the 8 bulb is 16,000 lumen output the 4 bulb is 8000
pretty big diff double actually and only 60$ more and im sufre you could find them cheaper as well but this is the sire i got my lights from and it went well
love my T5
i would go with 4 and 4 for 4bulb or 8 and 8 for 8bulb and once you get close to the end of the grow you can put 3-4 blues back in to help but i go 8 and 8


Well-Known Member
if you can afford it i would go with this

anytime you add more bulbs you add more light the 8 bulb is 16,000 lumen output the 4 bulb is 8000
pretty big diff double actually and only 60$ more and im sufre you could find them cheaper as well but this is the sire i got my lights from and it went well
love my T5
i would go with 4 and 4 for 4bulb or 8 and 8 for 8bulb and once you get close to the end of the grow you can put 3-4 blues back in to help but i go 8 and 8
My tent is too small for that. Its only 18 inches front to back. So im limited to the 4 light for now. But its an idea for future upgrade.

Again thanks for all advice from everyone.


Well-Known Member
Well its been a while since I posted. I have started and and have had epic failure, but out of 6 seeds I do have one that is growing strong.
Close-up.jpg Main.jpg

Funny enough it was the one that I put in a plain pot that is the only survivor.
Its a bit tall then I though it would ever be, but considering this is the first thing I got to grow, Ill take it.

This should be a Royal Queen White Widow Auto Female, if I remember my planting pattern.

It only has month left (june 8th is 75 days), so I am hoping that the buds will grow in the next thirty days.

Using Fox Farm Big Bloom at normal strength (2tbs per gallon) and distilled water. Alternating from feed and water every watering, which is about every couple days. Using a water meter, and when it is low 2, ill feed it one litter of water or feed/water mix. I use a smart water bottle as my guide. Please note that I was not using this "method" with other plants.

It does seem to have some glistening hairs on it and the lightest touch, and you smell it on you. Leaves have a wet waxy look to them from week ago.

I hope this is what it is suppose to look like. Im excited for the next month.

My next plan i will try with 3 gallon Air Pots and see what I can get. I am going to stay away from the high end tech for now. I might make a soaker ring watering system for them, since I wont be able to move 4 or 6 three gallon air pots in that tent. Make some kinda hose ring with soaker hose or just hose with holes cut in 1/2 way between center and edge.

Would be much easier to just fill a funnel and open a valve for each plant that needs water, but we will see.

any advice on this plant?