Who will be the first LP Granted an Import Permit?


Active Member
I doubt cheap outdoor would pass HC testing requirements. I'm sure they'll learn that either before, or very soon after they start exporting to Canada.
Depends. Anyone who gets an import/export permit will have to adhere to very strict HealthCanada codes and regulations. So no, no one just growing some crappy outdoor will get it, but a country like uruguay (for example) can still grow a lot cheaper than someone in Canada, simply because wages, taxes, etc are far lower, while still growing in a way that adheres to HC's standard.


Well-Known Member
LOL this kills me, now we are importing something I can grow in my closet? Backwards!!!!!
It's the other way around.
Cannabis is the ONLY drug that has gone from being imported in from traditional sources countries
to domestic production.

No one's going to accept Uruguayan Scragg Weed after becoming accustomed to top quality hydro strains.

I got a few joints of commercial weed, last year, and it was like smoking stale tobacco!
The days when we actually drove around to find such shit are LONG gone.


Well-Known Member
What a joke now they're gonna push schwag on patients what is this coming too. I grow top shelf Meds right now, I'am not about to start injesting and smoking shit now. Wtf why can't these loser so called producers grow they're own. Because they haven't got a clue.


Well-Known Member
It's probably comparable to the $400/lb m39(the chin) that I seen tonight. I wouldn't even buy it for $400/lb any of you lp's want it lol,prob be your top shelf.!


Well-Known Member
I wonder about the imported marihuana. I think people will buy it. Canadians don't pay any attention at all to what they buy in the grocery store. As life long farmer, you couldn't pay me to eat strawberries from Mexico, Chile or Bolivia. I go to the grocery store and see moms filling their carts with imported fruits and vegetables. Much of our imported produce comes from countries with NO pesticide laws at all. You would not believe some of the stuff that is on our produce. I will only buy from Canada, or, if in need, from USA products. I see canned peaches from Guatemala sold every day, from a store in the Niagara fruit belt.
People will buy imported, sub standard, poor quality marihuana. Sad but true.


Well-Known Member
This plant does have value, your right. But no plant or plant product has an 80-87% profit margin. Hell most companies are happy to see a 15-35% profit margin in their business. These clowns could sell for $3 a gram and still profit. This is just plain greed.


Well-Known Member
This plant does have value, your right. But no plant or plant product has an 80-87% profit margin. Hell most companies are happy to see a 15-35% profit margin in their business. These clowns could sell for $3 a gram and still profit. This is just plain greed.
Just one problem with the progam. No limits on price. But it costs so much to get started, they gotta make their investment back asap so they can start chewing on the billion dollar free market.

jessica d

Well-Known Member
what a moronic idea support organized crime from other countries that we cant enforce laws upon instead of actually dealing with canadians that were abusing the system. the judge is gona be pissed hc didnt follow the judges decision. simple