Usps tracking

U should be fine... usually sits like that for 2-3 days, then you will check tracking and all of a sudden there is like 3 updates at once.

Usually: proccesses through isc ny, then entered jamaica ny sort facility, then depart sort facility. Check tracking after 500 pm as that is when it is usually updated.
Since 2/1 my status has said processed through isc ny .... Anyone know why no updates? Or does USPS suck?

YES. Or at least their tracking does, everything else is debatable. I've had packages sit at the processed through stage for two weeks and then just show up on my doorstep, I have had them say 'delivered' for days before they actually are, I even recently had one that spawned in Denver CO as if that is where it originated, and I'm pretty sure I would know about it if a major seed bank opened up shop in my city. It is not uncommon for my packages that arrive in New York to visit multiple states in the deep south before they arrive to me in Colorado, and I have had packages arrive in Los Angeles visit the northern midwest before making it back to me.

When thinking about USPS, it is always important to remember that since they are forced to function with all the constraints of a government agency, but without the kind of taxpayer funding that allows a bureaucracy to function without regard to profitability or efficiency. They're just awful, and fucked, and we're awfully fucked as a result of it.
Just seemed odd to me that last order tracked whole way then now this one don't update for 3 days ... Who knows will prob update later
You might be fine, or not. I have a pack that's been in Chicago for months that still says "processed through sort facility" on the usps tracking site. A lot of stuff is being snagged lately. If you roll the dice ordering seeds, just make sure you get the guarantee option.

As far as the usps goes, I think they're great. They are perhaps the only self-sustaining entity under the federal umbrella. They do not take a dime of taxpayer money, and ship something from my door step clear across the country in a couple days for less than the change that's under the seat of my car. I don't understand how people can complain about that. The issue here is with customs, not the usps.
You might be fine, or not. I have a pack that's been in Chicago for months that still says "processed through sort facility" on the usps tracking site. A lot of stuff is being snagged lately. If you roll the dice ordering seeds, just make sure you get the guarantee option.

As far as the usps goes, I think they're great. They are perhaps the only self-sustaining entity under the federal umbrella. They do not take a dime of taxpayer money, and ship something from my door step clear across the country in a couple days for less than the change that's under the seat of my car. I don't understand how people can complain about that. The issue here is with customs, not the usps.

completely agree stow, and pretty much said the same thing in another thread myself two seconds ago..
people love to bitch about the usps, but imvho, 99% of the time they do an amazing job, and for a simple letter, shit it's only like $.50 to get from one side of the country to the other, which is still stupid cheap imo.. their tracking isn't updated very often is about the only negative i can think of, but other then that i usually never have an issue with them.
Chicago is bein hit yes .... Havent heard much bout new York but if it says it's processed through isc ny ... It passed customs already
I made a order on 1/17 with attitude. Took until 2/1 to post in Jamaica, NY. Didnt go through customs yet and hasn't updated since that 1 update. So 19days and still waiting, longest its ever taken with attitude or usps...
completely agree stow, and pretty much said the same thing in another thread myself two seconds ago..
people love to bitch about the usps, but imvho, 99% of the time they do an amazing job, and for a simple letter, shit it's only like $.50 to get from one side of the country to the other, which is still stupid cheap imo.. their tracking isn't updated very often is about the only negative i can think of, but other then that i usually never have an issue with them.

Yep agreed. I have to assume for the purposes of this conversation that the updates we are seeing on the usps tracking site are coming from customs. The postal service can only update the information that they are provided with. Again, to me that's more of a customs issue. I could be wrong on that though.
My recent order went through chicago over two weeks ago quickly,and said it is in transit ,so i think it should get here.That is the quickest i have seen an order go through for me yet.
I dont care if it travels through the entire US as long as my Grape Stomper x OG gets here.
My last one I could track it all the way ... Mine goes through ny not Chicago .. it just hasn't changed status since the weekend
My last one I could track it all the way ... Mine goes through ny not Chicago .. it just hasn't changed status since the weekend

Jeez, its only Tuesday... Give them a week at least. I've had orders trackable the entire time and others that weren't. My order has also passed through NY ISC and instead of Jamaica NY, mine went to Bethpage NY and no updates since this weekend. They'll probably show up by Friday unless weather slows it down. Take a puff or two and chill brotha, they're coming.
I have an order that said it was processed through ISC NY on 1/19. I'm gonna give it another week or two and then hit up herbies, if there still hasn't been any changes.