Well-Known Member
I'd like to know how the goobermint figures it can regulate and tax the shit out of something with a long history of being underground. The plant, while being illegal, developed into the #1 cash crop in the country if not the world. Cultivation and delivery systems already work and have for decades. These facts make me wonder why the fuck is anyone begging the goobermint for anything. Who has the most cash and control in reality? It would seem that the industry as a whole is the party with the hammer when it comes to politicians. Granting the right to tax and regulate means the legislation is written the way the group with the most money wants right? Fuck the lobbyists. I think the message should be, "write the laws the way we demand or it fades back to the underground."
Seems to me we should be using the system the same way lobbyists do. He who has the gold makes the rules
I'll throw in a 20 spot! lol