2 medical marijuana bills stall in Michigan Senate

I'd like to know how the goobermint figures it can regulate and tax the shit out of something with a long history of being underground. The plant, while being illegal, developed into the #1 cash crop in the country if not the world. Cultivation and delivery systems already work and have for decades. These facts make me wonder why the fuck is anyone begging the goobermint for anything. Who has the most cash and control in reality? It would seem that the industry as a whole is the party with the hammer when it comes to politicians. Granting the right to tax and regulate means the legislation is written the way the group with the most money wants right? Fuck the lobbyists. I think the message should be, "write the laws the way we demand or it fades back to the underground."

Seems to me we should be using the system the same way lobbyists do. He who has the gold makes the rules

I'll throw in a 20 spot! lol
It pisses me off so bad that one person can hijack the system. The wave of Cannabis legalization is coming and none of the anti-cannabis lawmakers are going to be able to stop it. They're actually risking their career by not changing to a supportive position.

Think about it... more states will legalize and reap the taxes. Michiganders will see the success and demand the same. Once it's put up for state vote for legalization, regulation, and taxation it will pass with a majority.
^^^^ yeah that^^^^ rep sent ;)

Decriminalize. Regulate like beer and wine.
Constutional amendment not our 'representatives'
We are 'the people'

love. :D

This is how I want to see it play out too
love this too.. :D:D

The criminalization of marijuana is a federal perspective, not a state constitutional issue. Furthermore, the federal criminalization of marijuana, unlike alcohol prohibition, was done intentionally without a federal constitutional amendment so that it could not be so easily repealed. Welcome to the modern age of paid for and politically motivated lawfare. Human history is littered with the legitimate use of marijuana as medicine prior to the simple and wrongful declaration of 1970 that it has no legitimate medicinal use within the United States that classified it as a schedule I narcotic and then declared war upon it.

Fast forward 40 years to Obama and Holder. With medicinal marijuana now on the books of half of the states in the union they have a clear responsibly: either follow the schedule I rule of law as provided by federal legislation or work to change it. See Abraham Lincoln and Emancipation. This in between bullshit of lawfare is both unlawful and damaging to the rule of law in general IMO. This my friends is by no means a victimless crime :(

Maybe we can bring back "Federal Prohibition Permits" of the past or something along those lines, but to do nothing federally seems as criminal as it is wrong.


I hear you brother, but with literally half the states of this union now acknowledging the medicinal use of marijuana by law the "problem" no longer lays there. The fact that this federal legislation still exists proclaiming marijuana has no medicinal use in the United States is simply absurd beyond any reasonable doubt. Although under this precept and exploitation of lawfare the executive/police and judicial/courts are allowed to act through precedents based literally upon this absurdity without accountability. What we need here now is nothing more than integrity to right this ship. Here in lays the true "problem": There is no power nor profit to be had from integrity :(

and love some of this as well..
Gee there was a thread here about some deluded fucker who was working for most all of the above. I wonder where it went???
What could one person do anyway? Crazy to try something different.
I signed the 2012 initiative. It was pretty disappointing that it fell short on petition signatures. Even though it would have had little chance to pass, it would have been awesome to see it on the ballot for the first time.
I signed the 2012 initiative. It was pretty disappointing that it fell short on petition signatures. Even though it would have had little chance to pass, it would have been awesome to see it on the ballot for the first time.
Too many stoners signed who did not even know what township or municipality they pay taxes too. See why we lose all the time?
There will be another try.
Too many stoners signed who did not even know what township or municipality they pay taxes too. See why we lose all the time?
There will be another try.
I'm not so sure about our medicated state being at fault here. Detroit schools have produced at a 50% literacy for as long as I can recall. I have never been so stoned I became illiterate. Although as a local high school graduate I indeed was, medicated or not. It took me years post high school to learn to read so that I could simply enter college. I would later go on to graduate numerous times, all at the top of my class. I believe it is a fundamental self-serving flaw in the system. No literacy, no regress.
Oh yes. Add in no type of civics class to explain what a governmental unit is or how to interact with it.
The schools fail. The legal and welfare systems win. Easy peasy. This is no accident folks
I'd like to know how the goobermint figures it can regulate and tax the shit out of something with a long history of being underground. The plant, while being illegal, developed into the #1 cash crop in the country if not the world. Cultivation and delivery systems already work and have for decades. These facts make me wonder why the fuck is anyone begging the goobermint for anything. Who has the most cash and control in reality? It would seem that the industry as a whole is the party with the hammer when it comes to politicians. Granting the right to tax and regulate means the legislation is written the way the group with the most money wants right? Fuck the lobbyists. I think the message should be, "write the laws the way we demand or it fades back to the underground."

Seems to me we should be using the system the same way lobbyists do. He who has the gold makes the rules
I agree with this,fuck letting the goverment profit from something that they have used to fuck us over for decades.Keep it the way it is now,if you need marijuana for medical purposes then get a card and grow for yourself if you cant grow for whatever reason,then find someone who will/can.If you want to smoke for whatever personal reasons,be smart about it and you wont have to worry about the consequences of the law.You dont need pounds,be smart and only carry around an eighth,if you have a card then you dont have to worry.
I agree with this,fuck letting the goverment profit from something that they have used to fuck us over for decades.Keep it the way it is now,if you need marijuana for medical purposes then get a card and grow for yourself if you cant grow for whatever reason,then find someone who will/can.If you want to smoke for whatever personal reasons,be smart about it and you wont have to worry about the consequences of the law.You dont need pounds,be smart and only carry around an eighth,if you have a card then you dont have to worry.
With ya on the first part but after that u kinda fall under

Virgins!! Ain't they so cute?
The law as it stands is entrapment.
Depends on which gubermint parasite you are dealing with at that moment
WTF? We have a lot of patients in
Michigan that deserve nothing less
than top of the line treatment. Many
of them don't want to smoke anything
(and a lot of them CAN'T!). Kinda fucked
up that some gov fucks say its illegal for
sick people to ingest their meds instead
of inhaling them:finger: What a fuckin crock
of shit. With all of the lobbying that goes
on in the government, we the Patients,
and Caregivers should have some type of
olitical Action Committee to make sure
our voices are heard. Why don't we have
something like that yet?:eyesmoke:

Are these bill shelved in till after the election most likely? Are there any polls out there
showing anything pro MJ would be bad politically? It makes no sense for a republican running
as an incumbent to not get this done.