Will plants flower outside under 14.5 hrs of daylight?


Well-Known Member
Here in southern California we only get 14hrs and 25 min of daylight at the peak of summer. I was reading an article by Ed Rosenthal which explained that clones placed outside in Feburary will flower despite the daylight increasing and will be ready for harvest in April. I then read that plants will flower at 14 hrs of light, but start to reveg at 14.5 hrs. So I was wondering I can put plants out through out the season to flower since I get less than 14.5 hrs? Or will they flower then reveg? Any help is very much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Depends on the strain.
I had 3 outdoors last Summer, and with over 14, one started to re veg.
The other two were fine.


Well-Known Member
Here in southern California we only get 14hrs and 25 min of daylight at the peak out summer. I was reading an article by Ed Rosenthal which explained that clones placed outside in Feburary will flower despite the daylight increasing and be ready for harvest in April.
Here is a calculator for day length for any day http://www.jgiesen.de/astro/solarday.htm Can't seem to find the one I really like, but this is ok, its good, but very technical, not such an easy read as the other one.
JWhy not just hide your plants an extra hour or two and then put them out in the sun.

As we approach the Spring Equinox [Mar 21] the day starts to lengthen and approaches 12/12 [this is above the equator obviously] and then reaches it maximum length, yadah yadah, at the Summer Solstice [June 21st].

I then read that plants will flower at 14 hrs of light, but start to reveg at 14.5 hrs. So I was wondering I can put plants out through out the season to flower since I get less than 14.5 hrs? Or will they flower then reveg? Any help is very much appreciated.
Strain dependent always but this is the area where flowering CAN occur, but doesn't necessarily. I have experimented with dropping gradually indoors rather than just stuffing them directly into 12/12. I have finished @ 10 on/14 off before. You have the opposite working for you, in that the day is getting longer for while not dropping.


Well-Known Member
I'd say pure sativas would reveg 90% of the time. I'm pretty sure Canadian or high latitude bred indicas like the Chitral mountains won't reveg with those hours.

An Afghan I used to have started flowering around 14.3-14.5 hours. That wasn't the earliest strain either, over here in NZ some plants flower under 14.6 hours.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone, so is it better to wait to induce flowering when the daylight plateaus and decreases? Or is it worth it to try flowering indica and indica dominant plants starting as soon as the weather permits? Baka, when in the summer did you place them outside? How many hours were they in indoors prior to setting them out?


Well-Known Member
You can do it fine. just be done by the end of may or if your lucky they might hang until mid June, that's pushing it though. Throw em out ! MY last ones to go out to flower is April1st then it's time to get ready for summer . I need to take picture of my LA confi outside just going into flower. she went out two weeks ago.


Well-Known Member
You can do it fine. just be done by the end of may or if your lucky they might hang until mid June, that's pushing it though. Throw em out ! MY last ones to go out to flower is April1st then it's time to get ready for summer . I need to take picture of my LA confi outside just going into flower. she went out two weeks ago.
You put your plants out to flower in April? Or do you put them out to veg? Im looking to place them out to flower in may if possible so I can harvest June or July. Have you had success doing that? It's just confusing because some strains start flowering at 14 some at 15.


Well-Known Member
I put them out to flower in April. They will flower all of April and May maybe a week into june and be done ( 9weeks ). I don't trust clones to stay in vegg until at least the third week of may and the they can still flip on you sometimes.


Well-Known Member
I put them out to flower in April. They will flower all of April and May maybe a week into june and be done ( 9weeks ). I don't trust clones to stay in vegg until at least the third week of may and the they can still flip on you sometimes.
So if I want the clones to stay in veg I need to wait until May? What is the best technique for keeping them from flowering once placed outside? How many hours of light do you get during the peak of summer? If yours are flowering into June without revegging then I don't see why I couldn't flower throughout the whole summer.


Well-Known Member
Some peeps use supplemental lighting when going out in April or May (clones, seed is a different story), candecent or CFL bulbs is all it takes a few extra hours at night will insure that they wont flower up to June first or even the soltice. The days are to long from june to august if you aren't done flowering in june. They will revegg


Well-Known Member
They should not flower at 14,5 hrs a day but some other factors can factor in. How long of light schedule they came off of ( 18-24) Cold cloudy shitty weather too.


Well-Known Member
Some peeps use supplemental lighting when going out in April or May (clones, seed is a different story), candecent or CFL bulbs is all it takes a few extra hours at night will insure that they wont flower up to June first or even the soltice. The days are to long from june to august if you aren't done flowering in june. They will revegg
What is the difference between the seed and clone reaction? I want to put out plants grown from seed. Also, will growing it on 18/6 help keep it from flowering more so than 20/4? Or is there no real difference?


Well-Known Member
less then 18 would help even be better. If a seed is planted in April outdoors after frost the only light hours it knows is what mother nature gives it. it won't flower until sexually mature around the 6-8th node by the time it reaches that the days have grown longer then what it first knew and vegges happily on. lol A clone is sexually mature at rooting.


Well-Known Member
less then 18 would help even be better. If a seed is planted in April outdoors after frost the only light hours it knows is what mother nature gives it. it won't flower until sexually mature around the 6-8th node by the time it reaches that the days have grown longer then what it first knew and vegges happily on. lol A clone is sexually mature at rooting.
What if I start the seed indoors? Will it start to behave like a clone? I was planning on starting seeds indoors and taking clones off them and then placing everything outside at different points. I read that a seed started on 14/10 will flower 30 days after germination but seeds started in 15 will only veg. So I'm guessing 15 would be where I should be starting seeds and rooting clones and vegging them. Does that sounds plausible?


Well-Known Member
yes when mature and on 18 - 24 hrs light time compaired to daylight hours of 13-14.