First Grow 4x4 tent 600w Purple Paralysis ScrOG


Well-Known Member
Nice looking to setup my scrog soon, looks like your doing a great job keep it up! Thanks for the juicy pics Merry Christmas to you and RIU :)


Active Member
hey man scrog is looking great! thinking bout that for my next run! Hope you dont mind me showing what my purp paralysis looks like, i havent topped, fimmed or anything all natural and it has a couple more weeks til harvest! Also under a 600w hps. Its about 5 and 1/2 feet tall counting the 3 gallon pot



Well-Known Member
Well, Its been about a month since I last updated, I've seriously slacked on posting up pics but better late then never i guess.
I fucked up last month and it ended up costing me one of my plants. I was waiting for base nutes to come in the mail and I thought they could go a few more days without water.
When I came back to check em a few days later they were all sorts of fucked up. Im so pissed they were a tiny bit droopy the last time i saw them and when I came back this is what I walked into. Can't really blame anyone but myself but it still sucks. They looked worse in person too -.-
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All of them bounced back except for the one on the bottom left so I had to chop her down :(

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Ignoring the fact that I basically lost a quarter of my yield everything is going alright now. The plants arent as bushy as they were before because I lost alot of fan leaves, but given my pm problem that may be blessing in disguise. My airflow is alot better now that theres a spot for the air to come up from where the fourth plant was. Now that the buds are growing I can see that I didnt really fill in the scrog like I should have, It's not even at all, but I think Ill just harvest alot of whats on top, then leave some buds that are a little shaded for a few more days. Another thing, I've been spraying greencure once a week and I read that sometimes it turns hairs brown. I deff. got some brown hairs all over my buds just look at some of the nugs close up. I took a pic right after the lights turned off a few days ago.

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Well-Known Member
hey man scrog is looking great! thinking bout that for my next run! Hope you dont mind me showing what my purp paralysis looks like, i havent topped, fimmed or anything all natural and it has a couple more weeks til harvest! Also under a 600w hps. Its about 5 and 1/2 feet tall counting the 3 gallon pot
Thanks! Nah I dont mind at all I've actually been really curious to see what the purp paralysis looks like without the scrog so thank you lol. She looks great tho! I just checked out your grow and you got a nice harvest. The buds look great I hope I dont run into any more problems I need buds like that lol! You sould deff try scrog tho for your next grow, I really liked it, but i dont really have anything to compare to. The next grow I think im gonna do without the screen just to see what it looks like, but i can see myself going back to scrog after that. i guess we'll see lol.


Well-Known Member
Mate, i'm gutted for ya losing a quarter of your grow :(
If you got no base nutes in coco i would have just given them water with NO run off, at least that would have disolved any salts in the coco and they can live on that until your nutes turn up :)
The 3 you have left are looking nice and healthy now at least so not a complete loss :)


Well-Known Member
Two days into week 8. Alot of the hairs are brown probably because of the greencure, so i guess
I'll have to rely only on trichs for harvest time?On the description for purple paralysis it says it has a
65-70 day flower time. 70 days of flower is gonna be feb. 10, leaving me with about 11 days left :lol: Seem right??
I've started looking into flush and I think I'm gonna do like 4 days before harvest, any input on if I should
do more or less would be appreciated :)

PURPLE!!!!!!! Just a little bit on one of the plants in a few places. Hopefully it'll come out more, im so excited lol!


Well-Known Member
Two days into week 9:


One of them went hermie! Theres banana pods all over the plant in the back right-hand corner -.- I'm gonna try to pick off as many as I can today and hopefully harvest on monday. I watered with plain ph'd water yesterday, and i'm gonna water one more time this weekend. I'm gonna leave the lights off for 24-48 hrs then harvest.
If anyone has input on if they look ready, it would be greatly appreciated lol bongsmilie


After I sprayed the greencure the last time, it looked like all the pm was gone, but then some of my buds got kinda brown.
I dont think its gray mold, it doesn't really look like alot of the pictures ive seen but if its not that then the greencure really
burned some of my buds.


and some of the purple just because. :mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
I watered with plain ph'd water yesterday, and i'm gonna water one more time this weekend. I'm gonna leave the lights off for 24-48 hrs then harvest.
If they were mine thats exactly what i would be doing mate :)
They look awesome dude, well done :clap:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to xxstantheman420 again.