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Well-Known Member
Hey Zander, Why you SHOUTING @ Peeps man? :lol: A few Peeps been telling me I Need Help for years...I just choose Not to listen...

Seriously tho...what you needing Help with...



Well-Known Member
Well its a Wet n Windy Day in the UK(more so in some places than others) So I thought I would get on with Recycling my Compost/Perlite/Clay Pebble a bath full of the stuff and been pulling Rootballs out of my 10 or 15 L AirPots(Baked and can't remember the Size..) I picked up another 60 L bag of Organic Compost to add to the Mix and some more Perlite(Can never have enough) just having a Splif & Coffee break with Partner before I get back on with it. And then GOT to pot-on 12 Clones..and build a Window Box Cover with Vent.


Yo Zander...what did you want help with?????

FTP. This dude came at me all interested and such... With pms out if nowhere. Felt a little weird at the time. Come at bro.. Denver all day. Stay away from this weirdo...


Well-Known Member
FEDS Infiltrate RIU!! :lol:



~ Bacon Alert ~ Bacon Alert ~ Bacon Alert ~

EDIT: Makes a change from SPAM!....


Well-Known Member
i know that guy he lights matches and trows them on the carpet.

OOOhh This getting one HOT Topic...c'mon Zander...tell these Guys...




Well-Known Member
I do believe you should give everyone the benefit of the doubt...But...


By-The-By..I don't think you is a Pig / Copper / Five0 / Plod / Garda / Fuzz...

Can't We All just Get a Bong...



Well-Known Member
I really have no problem with most police officers. Sure there are a few "bad seeds" in the bunch, but you could say that about any segment of society. My last interactions with law enforcement happened when my house got robbed a few years ago. We called the cops because the robbery was still IN PROGRESS when we got home from the grocery store.

I still to this day remember what that kind officer said to me when finished his sweap of my house:

"They trashed your house pretty good, but don't worry; your garden is fine."

Gotta love the Bay Area...


Well-Known Member
We called the cops because the robbery was still IN PROGRESS when we got home from the grocery store.

I still to this day remember what that kind officer said to me when finished his sweap of my house:

"They trashed your house pretty good, but don't worry; your garden is fine."

Gotta love the Bay Area...
Man wish our Police Force was more like ^^^^^^ this......

Man In the UK the Old Bill would've been MORE interested in The Garden than the Robbery..

A) Charged for Cultivation
B) Charged For Posession
C) Charged With Intent to Supply

Probable Outcome: Lose Home(if rented) Lose Job(if got one) Lose Liberty or/and a Big Fine...Oh and Criminal Record..So NO going to certain Countries anymore....Ever!!

Then put in the Local Rag so All the peeps know your business...




Well-Known Member
Man wish our Police Force was more like ^^^^^^ this......

Man In the UK the Old Bill would've been MORE interested in The Garden than the Robbery..

A) Charged for Cultivation
B) Charged For Posession
C) Charged With Intent to Supply

Probable Outcome: Lose Home(if rented) Lose Job(if got one) Lose Liberty or/and a Big Fine...Oh and Criminal Record..So NO going to certain Countries anymore....Ever!!

Then put in the Local Rag so All the peeps know your business...


I'll pass on that, thank you.

Sounds awful...

I DO NOT sell my product; this was just a little personal 400-watt HPS "medicine cabinet" I had going. I actually told the officer about it before he went in, and he didn't even ask to see my doctors recommendation.

I may have dodged a bullet though. The thieving bastards who robbed the house made off with my scale!


Well-Known Member
Wounder bout the Scales...I hate it just when my Batts die...

Nah in the UK most "Officers" are only after more "BROWNIE" Points...So even if you NOT selling...If you got more than say couple of Oz will still say you had enough to be selling, so you must of been selling! LOL! The "Officers" in this country(UK) are not to be Trusted even, been a case in the *NEWS(if you can call it that) about some Police Officers that Lied about a certain Politician Called em "PLEBS" well they are but that's beside the point...It was ALL Lies from start to finish and only yesterday one of the "Officers" - Read - "Ex-Officer" was Jailed for 1 year for Perjury and such related Crimes...didn't read it all...But Wow!! all a bit silly and started by Lying Police men...


I feel like the Zander homie would've been back to guard his rep by now if he truly wasn't up to something. And ya, for me, badges aren't a problem, it's the person wearing the badge who defines it. I'm just thankful that I'm in a legal state and cops no longer worry about the personal user.


Well-Known Member
Well its a ANOTHER Wet n Windy Day in the UK(more so in some places than others) So I thought I would get on with Recycling my Compost/Perlite/Clay Pebble a bath full of the stuff and been pulling Rootballs out of my 10 or 15 L AirPots(Baked and can't remember the Size..) Still Recycling The Compost Mix!(Takes ages sometimes)

Just popped round for a Splif & Coffee break with Partner before I get back on with it(AGAIN!)....And then GOT to pot-on 12 Clones(These are done now)..and build a Window Box Cover with Vent(And I'm just starting this)..

EDIT: just Recycled my Post :lol: well need to be getting back, just going to upload a couple of Pics of the Air-Pot Rootball...and some Mix & the Rootball Waste...

Rootball_01.jpg Rootball_02.jpg Rootball_03.jpg

And the Waste...and "Mud" Bath...

Rootball Waste.jpg Bath O Soil Mix.jpg

The Clones of the Last Harvest...and the 1st lot of Autos I've started...

Me Clones.jpg K.C.45_Regs.jpg

And the Nugs I am smoking now....

Me Nugs.jpg

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