a 9 gram sunday


Well-Known Member
Good read Canndo, it's always interesting hearing other peoples' intense psychedelic experiences.
It is what it is, everyone takes from these things as they will. You seem to have a pretty level mind set about these things and some balls when it comes to dosing.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure canndo isn't a stranger to the rodeo..balls the size of montana to do shit like that ina deprivation chamber.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure canndo isn't a stranger to the rodeo..balls the size of montana to do shit like that ina deprivation chamber.
Dang and he was in a deprivation tank?

Thanks for the read canndo. I could relate to a lot of what was in that report.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like all my experiences wwith mushrooms. To me they have no recreational value. I have yet to find "I" 2 years later. My fingers tend to go as they please and the the previous "myselfs" often overlap wat I've become. Its scary honestly.


Well-Known Member
I wrote a fairly long explaination of our experimentation in the tank some time ago, I don't like the search feature here but you are welcome to look.

WE were all enamored of John C. Lilly's work and decided to go in on a tank with the original intent of moving it from one place to another - that didn't last long, I ruined my back yard with epsom salts and 600 or so lbs of them gets expensive.

We did a number of chemicals always with a sitter, LSD and K were I suppose, my favorites - well, and also doing no drugs at all. WE tried piping music it but it had various levels of sucess.