Gotta love bat boobsi'm trying, but i simply can not masturbate to that.
Gotta love bat boobsi'm trying, but i simply can not masturbate to that.
i like the way you thinkIs kissing cheating? Was I raped?
We were out at a club last night with a bunch of people when I got out of the booth to go to the bathroom. When I came out an acquaintance of my wife who is visiting from Taiwan and ungodly beautiful motioned for me to take a picture with her. As soon as I obliged her she shoved her tongue down my throat. As hot as she was and as drunk as we both were I did not oblige her. She looked embarrassed and we walked back together and sat down. The rest of the night went on as if nothing happened. As far as I'm concerned nothing did. And I figure it's not worth telling my wife about the momentary indiscretion.
What are your thoughts?
Other than have a threesome.
Cuz I'm working on it.
I'm thinking the friend won't say word one and is probably thinking the same about me. She would make a good piece though. She lives in Taiwan lol.
After what you Tse about tung I'll bet you want to give your Mao ze Dong.
I'm thinking the friend won't say word one and is probably thinking the same about me. She would make a good piece though. She lives in Taiwan lol.
After what you Tse about tung I'll bet you want to give your Mao ze Dong.
Is kissing cheating? Was I raped?
We were out at a club last night with a bunch of people when I got out of the booth to go to the bathroom. When I came out an acquaintance of my wife who is visiting from Taiwan and ungodly beautiful motioned for me to take a picture with her. As soon as I obliged her she shoved her tongue down my throat. As hot as she was and as drunk as we both were I did not oblige her. She looked embarrassed and we walked back together and sat down. The rest of the night went on as if nothing happened. As far as I'm concerned nothing did. And I figure it's not worth telling my wife about the momentary indiscretion.
What are your thoughts?
Other than have a threesome.
Cuz I'm working on it.
I'm thinking we need pics so we can really "think" to it... der uh... I mean...
I'm holding you to it.Well now I have to get a picture. To make you swallow your words steven french. Ungodly I tell you!
I'm holding you to it.