Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

If I were a dog I could lick my own balls:bigjoint:

I have a few people I taught to grow. Gave them dank strains that I no longer use. They talk down to me as if they are better than me and their chemy hydro can't step to my rols.. Yet one called me today asking my thoughts about rock nutrients and running clones on 24/0. I told him what I would do and he basically shunned me . When I losty everything. He was bneing nice but still kind of acting superior ... Now that I'm back on my feet with a nice place and a sick light set up. New strains. he hates on me so tough.

I think it has something to do with organics. We are doing to help people and possibly make some money to be comfortable.. You notice most bottle nute users are assholes. Not all but alot. Thump easy is one of the cool ones that does hydro. I guess Ham slice is ok too :lol: ;-)

Yeah man, I got into organics because of the people. The hydro section is a war zone. In the organic threads, people tend to be more patient and overall pleasant than the 'dro snobs. It is very off putting.
Right. We all help and learn from eschother. I have no secrets to keep. Well some but you'll have that lol
It will be legal in this country soon enough.
Georgia is considering limited medical marijuana.

These low thc high cbd oils are going to be a game changer
dumb me, I always thought hemp was the path
I was throwing some money at my wife yesterday, as in literally throwing bills. She asks me what I am doing so I say 'wishing I married a stripper'. Apparently, this is NOT funny. Not recommended.
I was throwing some money at my wife yesterday, as in literally throwing bills. She asks me what I am doing so I say 'wishing I married a stripper'. Apparently, this is NOT funny. Not recommended.

No, but very much enjoyed!

Points for Style!

Haha you guys crack Me up.Mr . head, I stole them from red so we are cool lol jk. I have a ton more recipes in my lad that I'm trying and loving. Building some bad ass vortex brewers guys. Got tired of my previous overflowing the mess so I created a pressure release valve that will drain into a overflow , I'll soon invest I the cone shaped brewer containers but right now my money is tight, you can throw some my way hamish, I'll give ya a dutch rudder.
Gandalf, get the he'll off here and go get some poontang lol jk .I'm sure there are some stoner chick's that will go nuts over your shit , haha well got to go guys . I'm tired and I need to get to work. P's had some girl scout cookies, I think it's over hyped personally. Damn good looking though.
I was throwing some money at my wife yesterday, as in literally throwing bills. She asks me what I am doing so I say 'wishing I married a stripper'. Apparently, this is NOT funny. Not recommended.

You really want a response from her bro? Pop a finger in her butt hole.:cuss:

You can always have her lick your finger, and then watch her face as you take it away from her mouth, and tell her where it's going. That's hot!