Strange curling? Pictures, asking for help.


Active Member
This little one was watered just over 5 hours ago with 1/4 strength AN nutes. 1.5l of ro water, with the ph perfect forumla. Her home is 18c with lights off, 24c with them on and I spray them once and a while. There is a fan for air movement and venting. They are 3-23w cfls.

Seemed a runt since the get go, I have topped it and the tops haavent really taken off. Any ideas RIU?

EDIT-Thought I would mention my other plant in there is just thriving.



Active Member
How big is the pots how many ppms is 1/4 strength after topping the plants go into shock for 2 or 3 days it's time for MH lights~


Active Member
This little one was watered just over 5 hours ago with 1/4 strength AN nutes. 1.5l of ro water, with the ph perfect forumla. Her home is 18c with lights off, 24c with them on and I spray them once and a while. There is a fan for air movement and venting. They are 3-23w cfls.

Seemed a runt since the get go, I have topped it and the tops haavent really taken off. Any ideas RIU?

EDIT-Thought I would mention my other plant in there is just thriving.
That plant can take 1-1.5 ml/L base. I run AN grand master from time to time. The yellowing at the bottom is Nitrogen, that plant is hungry. The ppm of base 3part or 2part is not true to its reading. It have organic acids in it and surfactants that are non-burning and help water penetrate the soil and do it evenly to avoil dry spots. But also to help facilitate the uptake of nutrients faster along with bonding to metallic ions and allowing their pH availability to be wider.

What type of soil are they in? I would have added lime to the soil as adding cal/mag products to the nutrient can cause lockouts in excess. yes I would up the light to something with more power.


Active Member
They are sitting in promix. Im not exactly sure ppm but the bottles say 2ml per 1l of water. I put in about .60ml. Henced I used around 1.5l of water. Thanks for the help.
Would a T5 be better then a MH? Just for bill cost and heat.

The pot sizes are 3.09l and I use RO water so am I not starting with 0ppm? And wouldnt the ph perfect formula keep the ppms in check?


Active Member
You dont need a MH for veg. A lot of us will use t5 or led because of heat and juice but to each there own. I have them all and run em all.

Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
I use cfl's for veg, they work great. The plant does look like it needs N. I would check the runoff water next time you water it, look at the ph and ppm. It could just be genetics, some plants take longer to grow in to a decent sized bush.


Active Member
They are sitting in promix. Im not exactly sure ppm but the bottles say 2ml per 1l of water. I put in about .60ml. Henced I used around 1.5l of water. Thanks for the help.
Would a T5 be better then a MH? Just for bill cost and heat.

The pot sizes are 3.09l and I use RO water so am I not starting with 0ppm? And wouldnt the ph perfect formula keep the ppms in check?
No, RO water has only been filtered down to around 10-30ppm. A DI (de-ionizing) finishes it off to a pure 0ppm/ec.
Yes the base nutrient will keep the pH in check to a degree. The only way in which AN can accomplish this is by using chelated micros and organic acids to force feed the plants the pharma grade NPK which by themselves are immediately available. This more less helps novice growers from failure by creating a wider pH range for nutrients to remain available. However being salt derived, will accumulate in the media if over applied. Feed, water, water, feed.


Active Member
Just wanted to update.
I hit her with water twice and since hit her once with nutes a day or so ago. I transfered her into a 5g diy air pruning pot with 25% worm castings and the rest promix hp.
I think when I topped her in the beginning I did it wrong and it went all emo because of it. Her new growth looks healthy, its just fairly behind my other girl.

Thanks for all the help riu