Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

Education is not accessible and scholarships are intended to shop out less than 2%. It was sarcastic, it is a bullshit argument. If everyone got scholarships college would just be free. The cost of education in terms of societal value is immeasurable.

The first part of your comment is undeniably false.
Financially speaking, eEducation is accessible for almost everyone who wants it.
Padawanbater2, with all due respect, you are relying on graphs and theories of other people, I believe nlxsk1 is supporting his claim from real personal experience, that's hard to refute,

His personal bias alone refutes it itself. Doesn't matter the subject, he would argue with me about it. Numbers or citations at the very least are much more important imo

Also, his personal story is irrelevant to the situation at large. It's very likely starting your own business or becoming your own employer or whatever would work for some people, nobody is disputing that, but just like movie stars and rock stars, it wont work for everyone.. I am looking for a solution that will work for everyone
The first part of your comment is undeniably false.
Financially speaking, eEducation is accessible for almost everyone who wants it.

It wasn't available for me. I worked 2 jobs to compensate for bills when my parents got divorced, my dad made too much money for me to qualify for financial aid and both of our income after paying for bills and food and car insurance and gas, etc. wasn't enough to put me through school (my little sister is also attending, it was either her or me, not both of us). Keep in mind, this is with 2 jobs, my dads full time job, etc.

That is my real world experience
How did I have an advantage over you? I just started my businesses 3 years ago. Are you saying things have changed that fast??

The problems that are creating lack of jobs is lack of investment capital, excessive regulation, Obamacare & people demanding more money regardless of what a job actually produces... What incentive do employers have to hire people right now??

You demand higher wages and you will have less jobs at the higher wage. How does a higher minimum wage help you if you still cant find a job??

You are the one that is having a problem getting a good job. Many people here are making suggestions and instead of listening and trying to help yourself you spend your time arguing with them. Maybe that is part of the problem right there eh??
Job shortages are caused by outsourcing, they predate Obamacare and the fact is we do not produce things anymore. I have heard enough about the burden of business owners, I have owned several and paying your staff fairly is part of it.
His personal bias alone refutes it itself. Doesn't matter the subject, he would argue with me about it. Numbers or citations at the very least are much more important imo

Also, his personal story is irrelevant to the situation at large. It's very likely starting your own business or becoming your own employer or whatever would work for some people, nobody is disputing that, but just like movie stars and rock stars, it wont work for everyone.. I am looking for a solution that will work for everyone

My personal bias? I am sure you are being COMPLETELY objective on this topic.... Yeah, right. If you want to discount my advice by saying that I am biased so be it. However, I am not the one that is unemployed or under employed.

A solution that would work for everyone sounds like socialism to me. If you get government regulation out of it and give people the respect they deserve then a job will be set at the price it is worth given current competition. Right now the game is rigged and lower paying jobs do not exist. The steps that people used to take have been legislated out by the very government you are demanding to do it again.

How is forcing an employer to pay an ever increasing wage regardless of the profit margin will create more jobs? How is it going to help you? You keep wishing for things that would hurt your job search, not help it...

But hey, what do I know... LOL!!!
It wasn't available for me. I worked 2 jobs to compensate for bills when my parents got divorced, my dad made too much money for me to qualify for financial aid and both of our income after paying for bills and food and car insurance and gas, etc. wasn't enough to put me through school (my little sister is also attending, it was either her or me, not both of us). Keep in mind, this is with 2 jobs, my dads full time job, etc.

That is my real world experience

I've yet to see someone not qualify for a student loan.
Overturning those two supreme court cases that give corporations the right to influence politics is what would fix the problem, or at the very least be a fantastic start
Job shortages are caused by outsourcing, they predate Obamacare and the fact is we do not produce things anymore. I have heard enough about the burden of business owners, I have owned several and paying your staff fairly is part of it.

And instead of the employer and employee entering a voluntary contract that both people approve of you favor having the government force an arbitrary wage be paid for any job...

Paying your staff fairly is part of competition. If you pay them at or above the going rate you are less likely to lose them to turnover.

How is it that you managed to survive being a business owner and not being a dick to your employees?? How is that possible since we know that all business owners are evil and would let their employees die to save a dollar??

Overturning those two supreme court cases that give corporations the right to influence politics is what would fix the problem, or at the very least be a fantastic start

Only if the unions are no longer allowed to donate...

Or do you just want to slant the playing field back in favor of your team??
Only if the unions are no longer allowed to donate...

Or do you just want to slant the playing field back in favor of your team??

Do you have a problems with unions influencing politics?

I want all money out of politics

Only individual donors should be allowed to donate to a politicians campaign, period, and there should be a limit on how much one person can contribute. In 95% of the elections in America, the person with the most money put towards a campaign wins, that's a fact. I'll see if I can find the actual statistic with the source...
The first part of your comment is undeniably false.
Financially speaking, eEducation is accessible for almost everyone who wants it.

Explain how you study in the lab or a studio online? The option does not make a traditional college education accessible and private universities are not included. Community college tuition has doubled in my state in 10 years.
"In 95 percent of House races and 91 percent of Senate races that had been decided by mid-day today, the candidate who spent the most money won, according to a post-election analysis by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics."

"In 93 percent of House of Representatives races and 94 percent of Senate races that had been decided by mid-day Nov. 5, the candidate who spent the most money ended up winning, according to a post-election analysis by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics."
And instead of the employer and employee entering a voluntary contract that both people approve of you favor having the government force an arbitrary wage be paid for any job...

Paying your staff fairly is part of competition. If you pay them at or above the going rate you are less likely to lose them to turnover.

How is it that you managed to survive being a business owner and not being a dick to your employees?? How is that possible since we know that all business owners are evil and would let their employees die to save a dollar??


laugh if you want, your hyperbole is not part of anything I am saying. I worked very hard to insure a solid work environment and there were incentives. I was never a dick.
Bro, nothing in life is free unless you want to be on government assistance the rest of your life.
A student loan is an investment in your future, how do you think most businesses are started?

Holy shit I wish you were right! A student loan (a college degree) used to be an investment in my future. Today, that is completely uncertain and nobody is guaranteed anything. You run the risk of wasting 4-6 years of your life and thousands of dollars on a "...well, maybe you'll get a good job, we hope so..".. It's no doubt better than just a high school diploma, but going $60,000 in debt for a $40,000/annual job doesn't seem logical to anyone doing it, and that's the shit we're looking at now
Explain how you study in the lab or a studio online? The option does not make a traditional college education accessible and private universities are not included. Community college tuition has doubled in my state in 10 years.

I went to community college for my general ed, then on to a state university for my BA.
But i will admit it was cheaper in the 80s
Holy shit I wish you were right! A student loan (a college degree) used to be an investment in my future. Today, that is completely uncertain and nobody is guaranteed anything. You run the risk of wasting 4-6 years of your life and thousands of dollars on a "...well, maybe you'll get a good job, we hope so..".. It's no doubt better than just a high school diploma, but going $60,000 in debt for a $40,000/annual job doesn't seem logical to anyone doing it, and that's the shit we're looking at now

Bro, it depends on your major.
What are you interested in
I went to community college for my general ed, then on to a state university for my BA.
But i will admit it was cheaper in the 80s

I went to a community college, got my Associate's and am now in a university for my Bachelor's. I work a minimum wage job. I have zero family contribution. And I'm doing just fine. There is a PLETHORA of assistance for those who need it. I work my ass off for my future, and it's infuriating that people want more hand outs when our government is already a bloated mess.