::gasp:: you stole my words! It seems you're the real bandit here! I'm a regular Louis C.K. Haha not sure day drinking suits me.Bandit I didn't see your post till just now... haha sorry I said the same thing, wasnt intentional lol
skidsteer: sorry your thread got turned into this. It happens from time to time on here it seems. But most the people on here are really helpful and most everyone here shares the true love of growing cannabis. The truth is there are a billion different opinions out there on the "right way" but you'll just have to find out what is right to you. But what I can tell you is that there are 8 healthy girls just in the other room and that wouldn't be the case if it weren't for this community. And not to hop on your band wagon but thank you both for your service guys. May the god of cannabis keep your bowls ever full as a small payment for your contributions and pain.