Well-Known Member
Hey BL, I wouldn't use the Fox Farm trio if I were you. They're nothing but heavy salts, and will destroy your soil bro. When I moved recently I threw mine out. Bought them a long time ago, LOL. You can simply brew up some AACT's, and give your plants a lot of their nourishment that way. Molasses works great for the mycos in your soil, and keeping them happy. Plus, it's cheap. Start reading rookie. I'm not being condescending at all, it's just a great thread for anything AACT related. The recipes get easier, and more simple as you read through.
With such a close ceiling, you may want to switch to Indies bro. I kind of have the same thing with my height restrictions. It's nice having the leds though, no big ol' hood you have to worry about. My plants are actually closer to my hid right now though, LOL. There are lots of different organic paths, but I prefer any one of them over the salt, and chemical fertilizers.
Have a great day everyone.
Myco Start reading rookie. I'm not being condescending at all, it's just a great thread for anything AACT related. The recipes get easier, and more simple as you read through.
With such a close ceiling, you may want to switch to Indies bro. I kind of have the same thing with my height restrictions. It's nice having the leds though, no big ol' hood you have to worry about. My plants are actually closer to my hid right now though, LOL. There are lots of different organic paths, but I prefer any one of them over the salt, and chemical fertilizers.
Have a great day everyone.