Overthrow the elites

Nev, I have well under that in my wide flung family interests. But, there is only one thing important for you. I have enough.

Im glad youre rich, its My intentions to make everyone rich. I wish everyone was rich, or at least had "enough".

Ask not for whom the laser spot blooms.

Whats that supposed to mean?

I am against your very being.

Why? What did I ever do to you?

I don't believe in you, am I going to hell?

No, youre not going to hell.

I dont believe God would create a hell to punish people.

Youre not alone, no one truly believes in Me; Im the only one that believes in Myself.

If you had to believe in Me to go to heaven, everyone would go to hell because no one believes in Me.

The only reason someone should believe in Me is because they are looking for the Second Coming of Christ and they value evidence.

I dont believe in hell, so how can anyone go there?

I believe in reincarnarion, being born again, life after death; to a better place in the cosmos.

I remember you claimed half the wealth is the world, was actually more that twice the wealth in existence.

So, I don't watch retarded videoes from the cracked up, brain scramble, salad bowl.

In the video "The Money Masters", they say the Rothschilds own 500 trillion dollars.

Apparently someone is lying or it was a big mistake.

Funny thing, if I and my associates owned half the wealth of the world, the world would be a better place for the non-elites. Maybe that's why I don't own half the wealth?

Thats why we should split up their money for everyone, over the course of a few hundred years so our babies can be trust fund babies.

Historically speaking Jesus was a Giant.


Lol, youre funny.

Good one.

Im actually 6 foot 1 inch, tall enough.

Thats why we should split up their money for everyone, over the course of a few hundred years so our babies can be trust fund babies.


It is said that if all the people in the country threw all of their money in the street, those who are currently rich would wind up with the majority of it again. In many ways I agree with this.
It is said that if all the people in the country threw all of their money in the street, those who are currently rich would wind up with the majority of it again. In many ways I agree with this.

Why would anyone throw "all of their money in the street", in the first place?

I would put a cap on wealth, no one can own more then a billion dollars. This would redistribute the money to the lower classes.

I would also get rid of fractional reserve banking; My alternative would make the babies (and people) the "gold standard". Basically, there would only be X amount of dollars for every person alive. This would also get rid of inflation and deflation.

My one world online government (theory) is superior to any other system of government because the average people are the dictators and politicians.

Can anyone think of a better form of government compared to My one world online government?


OK so what's a dollar then?
You know what i find funny? When i was a young lad I would go on and on about how the NSA are spying on you and I was called crazy and delusional... Now, everyone is calling me apologizing asking what they can do to preserve their anonymity.. as I say, better to be safe then sorry. i guess those conspiracy people are deem'd nuts as a means to take away the possibilities that they might be onto something??? yeah, been doing this a loooong time and I still got more shit up my sleeves.
A dollar is not paper.
The paper is a note for a dollar, quite literally.
Just the same as the note on your car is not actually the car.
Who are the elites? How do you over throw them?

People having been nattering about this for millennia. And what is the consequence of such an idea? Chaos. Firing squad, the guillotine. History is full of dead idiots that think murdering elites. will solve anything. And we have organized into self rule to toss you idiots into SuperMax if you try anythng.

IAC, you will still be a thrall, but just for a new crew of elites. Meet the new boss, he is the same as the old boss. You are not bright enough. Meanwhile you and your crew of nerds, is in jail.

What a sad mind, wasted. Propose global mob action against some Marxist, false class of "the elites", and then say, ~PEACE~

You are, a sick dude.

I was watching Name the Rose, again, last night, and they mentioned a Christian sect, that has embraced poverty, and then began to murder the rich so that all would have poverty.

They were all burned as Heretics. The church is all about the Elites of this world and the War Cults to protect them.

And that is what the USA is. But, we have a system where even Nev can wake up and join the Elites.
A dollar is paper... Only holds value due to faith. kind of like God, only exist's due to faith. Also, ignorance is bliss eh?

No. A dollar is the full faith and credit of the War Cult USA, with the Arms and Might to say what is what, right now.

It is backed by about 10% gold, the rest is credit to ourselves, mostly.

And that is why both sides are LYING about the debt. If we defaulted on the debt it means that govt would ACTUALLY halt.

We own most of our debt, ourselves. And 1/2 of that is just day to day operation, cash parking by law, with the Fed Agencies.

How about them apples?


Now you too, can shout FALSE!! when they talk about it.

We are going to default on ourselves? What a stupid concept on the face of it.