Overthrow the elites

I think a US Dollar is a specific weight of silver. We don't use dollars anymore though, we use federal reserve notes.

Oh and the US doesn't back its currency with gold either, there is no gold.

I beg to differ.
US Notes are still very much a part of the Currency and backed by gold, as required by law.
Actually I think the Treasury Coins are as well, which isn't hard to do since so little of whats in circulation is actual coin, and pretty much zero is US Notes.....interestingly both the US notes and the coins are interest free and not "elastic".
That would be a problem, lol.

But the fact is that the elites just OWN the internet, they dont know how to operate it like the technicians who RUN the show. The people that know the mechanics of the internet are not elites.

What Im trying to posit is that we could still have the internet without the elites.


I don't think they own the internet, how can they?
They most certainly own the connections and hard lines though.
I beg to differ.
US Notes are still very much a part of the Currency and backed by gold, as required by law.
Actually I think the Treasury Coins are as well, which isn't hard to do since so little of whats in circulation is actual coin, and pretty much zero is US Notes.....interestingly both the US notes and the coins are interest free and not "elastic".
They have legal tender status= not backed by gold

Something backed by/convertible to gold doesn't need legal tender laws to make it money.
Those are all the videos that I have of Myself, does anyone want to debate about anything that I said?

Those 6 videos of Me were taken from from My laptop about a year ago.

Did anyone learn anything from My videos of Myself?

What do you think of Me?

I'll bite.
I learned you don't have kids?
The underwater/in air/outer space jets would be fun for a kid.

Im a 28 year old male, without kids.

The SPACE JETS would be bad ass for everyone. The only thing is, where would you park a SPACE JET in the city?

Hypothetical Jets.......not dangerous.

All you would need to make a funtioning SPACE JET is something like a Harrier Jet, retofitted and hermetically sealed to be water proof and withstand the vacuum of space; it would be fueled with liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. It would need an internal engine to rotate the jet turbines underwater.

It would be the very best, for all of the wonderful people on earth that only deserve the very best.

I figure, they wouldnt cost too much more then a new car, if they were mass produced for many years. At least, it wouldnt take too much more metal then a big truck.

I will play a video of what they would look like, taking off and landing.

Harrier Jet


Why can't it just drop you off then park itself above or below?

Thats totally possible, it would just need the proper electronics for that: the SPACE JET would be capable of that with the proper electronics, Im sure.

Another thing is, if all of the roofs were flat, the SPACE JET could just land on your roof. Its fun to ponder the notion of what you could do with a SPACE JET.

The Navy aircraft carriers dont seem to have a problem with Harrier Jets, maybe we could learn something from them.

Im sure your SPACE JET could be totally autonomous, so you could even be drinking and flying ;-)

I havent fugured out the dynamics of parking your SPACE JET in a busy city yet. Maybe there could be parking garages just for your SPACE JET, or whatever. Its something the future will have to deal with.

It will need adamantium to withstand pressures under water and outer space.

Whats "adamantium"?

I would figure, it would just need some very thick bullet proof glass, maybe 10 inches thick. That would definitly allow you to go into space and maybe a few thousand feet under water, I dont know how deep in the ocean you could go with a SPACE JET but Im sure deep enough, and definitly into the vacuum of space.

SPACE JETS are just a prophecy of Mine, for the future. I believe its inevitable that one day we are all going to be flying in the air, through space, and underwater. Its the "final frontier" vehicle, you cant go anywhere else with a vehicle. In another 10,000 years, people will think we were living in the "stone age" compared to them. The old days, in antiquity.
