I didn't say it made no difference, I said it doesn't do what you claim it does, increase yield. Also you're not likely to get a terpene improvement over newport unless you're using clouds mixture, but those are as annoying as fuck imo.
And yes, I do have so much knowledge and I am willing to share.
Newport is a nearly pure product. It's a mix of iso and n butane with a little bit of propane for a propellant. This is going to give you a shorter cook time allowing you to keep more of them terpenes. However personally I'm not that big of a fan of Newport (also cloud) because I feel like they go a little heavy on the isobutane. This tends to give wax a more wet look, which is perfectly acceptable, however lowers your potency a few %. If you're going pure terpenes, this is the best can. If you're going for potency there are better options.
Vector WAS pretty good at one time, but I'm not a fan these days. Despite what the msds report says, in addition to the standard mix of iso and n along with propane it also contains a little hexane. This is going to hurt your cook time a bit, as a result more heat = less terpenes. Not a lot, but a little. However I do like their ratio of N to Iso. Shatter heads love this ratio. However I haven't messed with vector recently so I can't say for sure if they've gone through changes in mixture like many cans have recently.
Power 5 at one time was my favorite. However like many brands they changed their mix without telling anyone (around April of last year if I remember correctly). It used to be a pretty awesome mix, a little heavy on the propane but it was still cheap and effective. However as a lot of people noticed instead of taking ~60 seconds to empty a can all of a sudden it started taking ~90 seconds. This is because they started subbing out propane for pentane. Yes pentane, and yes that is disgusting. They aren't the only ones though. Several big brands have started mixing in pentane, but power is the worst (unless you count shitty chinese tane).
I realize this isn't what most conventional internet wisdom says (largely based on msds reports). But when you have 300+ RST tests under your belt you learn a thing or two about what's really in these cans. It's not always what it claims to be.
Any more questions?