4weeks flowering


Well-Known Member
they look mediocre and you will yield 2 pounds per square foot.

Srsly, why are you concerned on yield? you'r not even THERE yet


Cause I have spent a lot on electric... And I'm not concerned I'm more curious.. And 2 pounds per square foot seems a way out


Well-Known Member
For a good estimate you really need to wait until the buds are done swelling just about. like wk 6 or 7 ish is when the buds will pretty much be done growing just swell from there to the end.

Weight is hard to gues because of the density of bud compared to other's. My harvest's don't end up looking big but my buds are so dense they make up some serious weight.

How big is your scrog net for one ? How many watts are you running ? How many plant's are in there ? Do you run co2 or just fresh air exchange ?


Well-Known Member
Well if all goes good for you like its looking ill say a pound a half to be on the safe side. Most normal plants about 16-20in I flower will give me a qp so a little bigger plant and a well trained scrog you can see 6oz per easy.

I pull 6oz off most of my plants and that's just doing some low stress training and letting them grow up no training really. Ill be going back to scrogging this next harvest to make to most of my space and plants next go.


Hopefully mate just seems a bit crowded in there tbh don't know if it's me being paranoid this is my first grow I would be happy with 4 oz per I'm shooting for 20 oz from the lot


Well-Known Member
Well if you pull a pound and half that would be a gpw with a 600. It looks like you have good light coverage and the canopy is pretty even so no plants are really competing for light. Best thing you can do is make sure they have all the food they will want.

With the smart pots and coco you should be able to feed fairly often. I try and do more watering with less run off so I can feed everyday and not over water them. Also want to make sure you flush out those pots every week with clearex or the same to get rid of built up salts your plant won't use and there fore blocks the usage of other foods they can use.


Well-Known Member
Still feeding with tea's no ? But with the soil ya you won't be able to go crazy with the feeding everyday. I over looked the soil part. my b.


Active Member
4 weeks of flower , do you mean 28 days in flower as in end of week 4 , any way your plants look good mate we are at similar stages I am doing a scrog with 3 x 600 w here's some pics of my plants


Active Member
First pic is day 25 of flower and second is day 23 or 24
Im simply a figment of your imagination , and everything I post is bullshit


Active Member
Nah I'm watering every 3 days and feeding every other time
I am watering with feed every day basically and I'm in soil , how frequent you feed and or water is dependent on how much root mass you have built in your pots , I potted up 2 weeks before flower so i have a lot of roots = a lot of feeds = a lot of buds and they never get overwatered

Im simply a figment of your imagination , and everything I post is bullshit


I water when the top level of my soil drys and I put my finger in 4cm down and it's dry.. I do t want to overdo it as the soil has Jutes in it so. It's hard to judge I just see how they react to different things but ATM I'm just going low on the liquid nutes might bump it up soon though