Democrats Run Away From Obamacare ??


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
They were for it, before they were against it.

Many democrats will vote lockstep for their party in the congressional elections no matter what.
But these desperate adds will not fool the independents, not even close.


Well-Known Member
They were for it, before they were against it.

Many democrats will vote lockstep for their party in the congressional elections no matter what.
But these desperate adds will not fool the independents, not even close.

So do the republicans.


Well-Known Member
Exactly, that's why are stuck with this engineered two party system of failure.

We got to where we are in the modern age on top of a two party system. It would work if Republicans would let it.

This two sided coin thing where each side is equal and eqaually bad is incorrect.


Well-Known Member
We got to where we are in the modern age on top of a two party system. It would work if Republicans would let it.

This two sided coin thing where each side is equal and eqaually bad is incorrect.
You're making a case for totalitarianism, think before you speak.


Well-Known Member
You're making a case for totalitarianism, think before you speak.

I almost always think before I post. THis is one of those times. I am not making a case for anything except to say that there is a false equivelecy between Repub and Dem.


Well-Known Member
We got to where we are in the modern age on top of a two party system. It would work if Republicans would let it.

This two sided coin thing where each side is equal and eqaually bad is incorrect.

The complexities of any given society, especially one as diverse as ours, can not be summed up by only two "sides".

Both parties are complete SHIT, and our citizens know this, which is why said parties are losing the support of all but the ignorant, naive, and fanatics.

The party system has to go.

Vote for the person, not the party.


Well-Known Member
We got to where we are in the modern age on top of a two party system. It would work if Republicans would let it.

This two sided coin thing where each side is equal and eqaually bad is incorrect.
Sorry bro, but a statement like the the one above is surely advocating one party rule, any way you slice it.

I almost always think before I post. THis is one of those times. I am not making a case for anything except to say that there is a false equivelecy between Repub and Dem.
When it comes to big business, growing government and limiting the voice and will of the people, the two parties are in fact homologous, to deny this is foolish on your part.


Well-Known Member

The complexities of any given society, especially one as diverse as ours, can not be summed up by only two "sides".

Both parties are complete SHIT, and our citizens know this, which is why said parties are losing the support of all but the ignorant, naive, and fanatics.

The party system has to go.

Vote for the person, not the party.
The two party system thrives on the sheeple.


Well-Known Member

The complexities of any given society, especially one as diverse as ours, can not be summed up by only two "sides".

Both parties are complete SHIT, and our citizens know this, which is why said parties are losing the support of all but the ignorant, naive, and fanatics.

The party system has to go.

Vote for the person, not the party.

Mind, I said nothing about a two party system that even our founders saw as repugnant and ill advised. All I am saying is that there is no balance between the two.


Well-Known Member
Mind, I said nothing about a two party system that even our founders saw as repugnant and ill advised. All I am saying is that there is no balance between the two.
Yes your party is wonderful and superior while the republican party is terrible. Youre a shameless partisan, how about instead of cheering for your team like our country is a football game you judge each issue/politician individually with no premade assumptions?


Well-Known Member
Sorry bro, but a statement like the the one above is surely advocating one party rule, any way you slice it.

When it comes to big business, growing government and limiting the voice and will of the people, the two parties are in fact homologous, to deny this is foolish on your part.

Then, Jah, you don't have much faith in our system of government which was supposed to be more powerful than a "one party" government. Nor did I ever claim that was what I was intending. When it comes to big business, growing goverment and limiting the rights of the people, the parties are not equvilent. We can see that in bills passed past and present and who favored those bills. Like it or not, social security and medicare have been a boon to the little guy, Even if it does tend to grow the government. While the jury is still out on the ACA, it was at least an attempt to begin a process of insuring the health of the people - even if indeed it is a windfall for insurance companies.


Well-Known Member
Yes your party is wonderful and superior while the republican party is terrible. Youre a shameless partisan, how about instead of cheering for your team like our country is a football game you judge each issue/politician individually with no premade assumptions?

Show me, or better yet, quote me where I have said that the Dems are "superior" or "wonderful". Love to see it. I am indeed a partisan, but not in the way you may imagine. I see you have not been here too long, when you hang around a while you may see that my positions are issue based. One of the biggest problems with the Dems is infact their propensity to argue amonst themselves. This is rarely the case in Republican circles.


Well-Known Member
oh and i just paid $28, for prescriptions that used to cost me $600 monthly..

thanks again..obama!!

I will be paying less.... and getting less. That is unless my prescription won't be covered as I suspect. my total bill last year for insurance was $12,940.

But I maintained a $5,000 OOP max.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
We got to where we are in the modern age on top of a two party system. It would work if Republicans would let it.

This two sided coin thing where each side is equal and eqaually bad is incorrect.
and you dont even see it.

both sides are equally bad, except REPUBLICANS are the worst.
REPUBLICANS keep everyone down

damn you are silly.

you are a partisan hack, drowning in your own failed agenda and feverishly splashing agitprop all over the place.

every major policy move since the foundation of the federal reserve bank has been a BIPARTISAN MOVE, except of course for the civil rights act, which had no democrat support, and obamacare which had no republican support.

one was a good thing, the other was pure bullshit.

see if you can guess which one.


Well-Known Member
and you dont even see it.

both sides are equally bad, except REPUBLICANS are the worst.
REPUBLICANS keep everyone down

damn you are silly.

you are a partisan hack, drowning in your own failed agenda and feverishly splashing agitprop all over the place.

every major policy move since the foundation of the federal reserve bank has been a BIPARTISAN MOVE, except of course for the civil rights act, which had no democrat support, and obamacare which had no republican support.

one was a good thing, the other was pure bullshit.

see if you can guess which one.

Tough morning Doc?

My views on the differences are well recorded on this site. I am going to short hand them today. But keep at it and you might manage to get me worked up. The problem is in translation between REpublican and conservative, and Democrat and liberal - it is an impure translation in either case.

As is the historical stances of each party. I see you are going to try to haul out that old civil rights and the Republicans cannard again and I know you are aware of the history of both parties and their courses.

Not much of anything at all has gotten.. republican support of late.


Well-Known Member
Not much of anything at all has gotten.. republican support of late.
Obama has signed how many so called "jobs bills"? 20?

Are you calling for more shitty policies that don't work? 20 jobs bills passed through congress and we have less people working today... Yeah!! Let's do MOAR!!