When the choice is stupidity or obstruction, give me obstruction every day.
Out of the 20 jobs bills that passed how many were single party? How many were bipartisan? How many were actually extortion by the right? How many actually worked? Seeing as the workforce is at new lows, it seems none worked. Or you can use the "imagine how bad it would have been if we hadn't passed those 20 bills" so you don't have to admit we are doing it wrong.
Yes, I see obstruction as a good thing at times. I wish we had obstructed the failed stimulus, the Patriot Act, UGEIA (or whatever order the letters of that awful bill goes), The Port Authority Act, Obamacare, just to name a few. Obstruction to bad laws is a good thing, bipartisan shittyness is still shittyness. Bipartisan has brought us the war on drugs, the new and improved Patriot Act on Steroids, NSA overreach, TSA molestations, several wars in the middle east just to name a few. No thanks.
At this point in time, I'm more inclined to root for the guys who want to undo than for the guys who think they have the solutions because they have a law degree and financial backers.