Mucky’s Female Seeds C99 EBB & Flow grow


Well-Known Member
I believe there are two phenos. I can't tell if it it just one plant but some of these buds are still full of green pistils and getting a lot larger. The others that I have been picking are turning yellowish and swollen.




Well-Known Member
Great pix- I love the way the tent in the background reflects points of light! :-P

I think you're wise in waiting, those don;t look done to me...


Well-Known Member
I'd chop the ones that look like they have mostly brown pistils and swollen calyxes because the magic of strains like C99 fades quickly if they're taken too late.
The ones that are almost all white pistils look like they have a little bit yet but C99 does everything fast in flower.


Well-Known Member
those look gorgeous! Let them rippen just a little bit more, but as Mr Duck said, you don't want to over do it. Don't you dare let it loose it's satival tone! =)


Well-Known Member
Great pix- I love the way the tent in the background reflects points of light! :-P

I think you're wise in waiting, those don;t look done to me...
Heh.. yea, thanks. Right now the camera sorta does what it wants to whenever it wants to. I have been snapping and just hoping for the best. I believe I used its auto macro setting for flowers, bugs and stuff but backed away and then zoomed it in. It decided to focus for a change.:lol:


Well-Known Member
looks like u r having a great harvest.
r u keeping track of ur total yield.
Thanks TitoM. I planned get a rough estimate. Maybe when I bottle them I will weigh the contents of one bottle then multiply by the bottles I fill. I usually get 7 - 9 quart jars in this space.... this time it looks like it will be a lot more.


Well-Known Member
I'd chop the ones that look like they have mostly brown pistils and swollen calyxes because the magic of strains like C99 fades quickly if they're taken too late.
The ones that are almost all white pistils look like they have a little bit yet but C99 does everything fast in flower.
Thanks MrE Duck. At this stage they they are going from not quite ready in the morning to swollen calyxes ready to be picked in the afternoon. I have also found some nice hard perfectly formed smaller xmas tree shaped buds under the bud I have cut. They did not get light so they are a very pale sticky green... a couple hours under the lights colors them right up though.


Well-Known Member
those look gorgeous! Let them rippen just a little bit more, but as Mr Duck said, you don't want to over do it. Don't you dare let it loose it's satival tone! =)
Heheh. Yes sir Mr Jad3. I am treating them with the utmost respect and care. :-P I just got through thinning out the ripe ones again... They are turning fast now.


Well-Known Member
Well, I took a lot more of them today. I thought I would be able to take 1/2 but more of the dam things kept popping from underneath the ones I cut.

This was before I cut today.

This was after I cut.

This is how the buds that I cut looked.

I left the bud that looked like this.

This is what I trimmed today.

and.. I snapped this to show that these buds are are compact and heavy.


Well-Known Member

Strain: Female seeds C99
Started seed germination: 11/23/13
Seedlings set in Hydro unit on: 11/30/13
Switched to 12/12 on: 12/21/13

Todays Date: 02/14/14

  • Total veg days: 21
  • Total growing days: 75
  • Total days under 12/12: 54
  • Total days from budding: 47
  • Total Scrogged days: 23

Nice looking buds bro!
Awesomeness =) And they look delicious too!
Thank you to all fellow growers for the encouragement, good information and just popping in and chatting once in a while. I have really enjoyed doing this grow and am sort of sad that it is almost over. Beside the good information from everyone I have learned a lot by experimenting with the hydro.

Today I harvested most of the buds that were left except for the few large buds that are not ripe yet... Oh, and they do all come from a single plant so this plant is a different pheno. I am going to separate and mark them just for the hell of it.

Happy growing to all!:leaf:

Before todays cut

After todays cut

These are not ready yet but sure look yummy!:-P

A lot of these buds were not a full as I would have liked but to me chopping at exactly the right time is a bitch..:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
they swelled up nice. congrats
They are doing much better than I hope for, thanks LGC.

I just cut the smaller popcornish sized buds. They aren't very tight but they were sticky enough to stop and clean the clippers. The other pheno still seems to be filling so not sure when I can chop it.

Before the harvest

and.... this is all that is left...:weed:

A closer look..:weed:

This was what was cut.:leaf:

And.... this is a closeup of the pile of buds.:-P


Well-Known Member
Tasty lookin buds MuckyDucky- you happy with the yield? And got any plans for burning any of her soon? I look forward to your smoke report... :weed:


Well-Known Member
Hi Elkimino. The yield looks like it will be averaged compared to what I usually pull but I still have a couple of OZ not quite ready to pick yet. The quality looks very high though and I'm sure these plants could yield much more under better growing conditions. Are you thinking of growing c99's? I would definitely recomend them .

I have been Vaping the first mature bud I picked and will try to do a smoke report later. Right now I am getting ready to pack Day 3-4 into jars.

[HR][/HR]These were weighed after they were dried enough to put into jars and all of the unneed large stems have been removed.

Day 1-2 harvest 34.2

Day 3-4 harvest 99.40

Total Grams 133.63

Total OZ 4.71

I am still drying the cut from yesterday (day 5) which should yield around an OZ and still have maybe 2 OZ still on the plants.
These are the buds from harvest 3 and 4. This has to be the best looking bud I have ever grown! :-o

Day 3 and 4


Bud closeups.


This is part of what is still left... maybe 2 oz or so???