Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

this is the most bull shitting thread yet . I pull almost 3 zips a day average. 30 plants in flower all times. 30 in veg . and 12 in the cloner . this guy has mabe 10 plants in that small room. for 16 ounces every 3 weeks. so he said 9 flower 3 cloner . 3 veg. so 15 week before harvest. 52 week a year. 3 harvests 10 plants. so that would have to be 9 ounces a plant each. those don't look like 9 zip plants to me. more like 4 each tops. mabe 5 , 10 zips plants are in tomato cages with 1000s of watts on top of them. and from seed . Im smelling some serious bullll shittt.
this is the most bull shitting thread yet . I pull almost 3 zips a day average. 30 plants in flower all times. 30 in veg . and 12 in the cloner . this guy has mabe 10 plants in that small room. for 16 ounces every 3 weeks. so he said 9 flower 3 cloner . 3 veg. so 15 week before harvest. 52 week a year. 3 harvests 10 plants. so that would have to be 9 ounces a plant each. those don't look like 9 zip plants to me. more like 4 each tops. mabe 5 , 10 zips plants are in tomato cages with 1000s of watts on top of them. and from seed . Im smelling some serious bullll shittt.
i cant smell anything because im gay
Kinddiesel I think your approach and math are wrong. Each one of the rail systems is designed to hold around 8-10 plants if I remember correctly its been along time since I've read this all. Which would put around 30 in flower at a time. So 8-10 plants each with we'll say 2oz/plant, would be....drum roll.....between 16-20 oz per rail system. So now you multiply that by 3 systems ( or however many you decide to run) and stagger the harvests and you can pull 16-20+oz every 3 weeks.(that is based on a 9 week flowering strain).

Check out superstoners thread man its more recent, and has great examples of how to achieve these kinda of results.
this is the most bull shitting thread yet . I pull almost 3 zips a day average. 30 plants in flower all times. 30 in veg . and 12 in the cloner . this guy has mabe 10 plants in that small room. for 16 ounces every 3 weeks. so he said 9 flower 3 cloner . 3 veg. so 15 week before harvest. 52 week a year. 3 harvests 10 plants. so that would have to be 9 ounces a plant each. those don't look like 9 zip plants to me. more like 4 each tops. mabe 5 , 10 zips plants are in tomato cages with 1000s of watts on top of them. and from seed . Im smelling some serious bullll shittt.

Yo bro, we are all friends here trying to help each other but the truth is my dick is bigger than yours! LOL Just kidding I have a little dick...:( let's stop all this posing and talk about what really matters. Which is....

What high CBD strains are you guys using? What strains works best for pain, spasms, nausea, etc... I don't care if they are small producing plants, all I care about is what works best medicinally. Are you having better luck with tinctures, edibles or smoking? Let's get this thread back on track.

Spread the love,
Yo bro, we are all friends here trying to help each other but the truth is my dick is bigger than yours! LOL Just kidding I have a little dick...:( I don't want to get too much into numbers as I said before only posers spout off shit about grams per watt and total harvest amounts. I just have to laugh though because you are so funny. I know some of you love your numbers. For you measurbators here are some real world digits...

Here in the Great NW guys are harvesting 8-16oz plants in soil from the big producing plants while some of the slower strains only produce 4-5oz per plant. With 30 plants, harvesting every 2 months that comes out to about 2.5oz per day. Now if you have the power, space and budget you can start hitting the 8-16oz per plant. It's not hard with 2 months of veg and the right stains. Now you are starting to see 4-8oz a day. This is using Subcool's Super Soil recipe. I've actually seen one of my friends harvest a 2lb. plant (Sour Diesel). I've also seen him pull 20oz from one Stinkbud Hybrid system. There's even some pictures of it on this thread. When you do the math that's 1.25lbs X 30 plants = 37.5lbs every 60 days. That comes out to 600oz every 2 months or 300oz per month or 10oz per day. If you actually had the space and power it's not that hard to hit huge numbers. Big fucking deal.

But...my system is designed for the small scale grower trying to supply themselves with medicine, not the next weed baron. For example...I have a friend that's a disabled veteran. He has to buy his meds at retail price but he can't afford it and still eat. He doesn't need massive amounts of medicine, only about an ounce a week. He only has a small closet and a 600W light. With just one rail system he is able to run 6 different strains, all with different medical benefits. He uses about $36 in power per harvest and the nutes cost him another $50. So his total cost ends up being about $5.37 per ounce vs. $200. Not to mention he doesn't need the usual narcotics for his chronic back pain so he saves even more money. This is real world shit...

I don't want anyone to take this the wrong way but I really don't want to listen to people bragging about how much they harvest. I have a friend in Seattle pulling 4lbs. per light (no lie) I've seen the best of the best and I'm not impressed with silly little boys bragging about their penis size. None of the top growers discuss harvest or dick size. It's just not cool. So let's stop all this posing and talk about what really matters. Which is....

What high CBD strains are you guys using? What strains works best for pain, spasms, nausea, etc... I don't care if they are small producing plants, all I care about is what works best medicinally. Are you having better luck with tinctures, edibles or smoking? Let's get this thread back on track. I know many of you guys are commercial growers and that's fine with me. I wish you the best of luck! But please quit polluting this thread with all the bragging. We know you have an enormous dick and I'm sure your mom is proud. If you really want to be cool go give all your meds away to cancer patients or someone that's blind. If you want to spout off some numbers tell us how many patients you've helped in the last year. Now that would be impressive!

Spread the love,

I give you honor and prise, for all your hard work in helping people in their need coping with pain, disease and no money! I know you have deep feelings for these people in need how you help! I'm trying to follow your example! You are a blessing from GOD! I SALUTE you Brotha!! Please don't ever stop helping people
I give you honor and prise, for all your hard work in helping people in their need coping with pain, disease and no money! I know you have deep feelings for these people in need how you help! I'm trying to follow your example! You are a blessing from GOD! I SALUTE you Brotha!! Please don't ever stop helping people

No bro, I have to disagree...I'm just a kook that can write and draw up plans. I didn't invent anything. I got my recipe from my mentor and superstoner's recipe is better anyway. I didn't invent the aerocloner, all it did was figure out an easy way to build it myself. All the concepts you see in my book came from other people, all I did was simplify them and make them easy and cheap to build. Even my Hybrid DWC unit uses EZ clone sprayers and your standard DWC concepts. Sure I tweaked the ideas a little but so has everyone else in this thread. Go read superstoner's thread. He's put just as much time into the concepts as me and continues to spread the love.

I'm just now getting into high CBD shit. There are guys that have been doing it for years. I'm a total kook when it comes to the hot medical strains! I don't have a single tattoo and I don't like smoking dabs. I'm the most uncool person you will ever meet. I'm old and I fart a lot. I should be called StinkButt not StinkBud. I didn't invent marijuana, God did. Let's make sure we give credit where it's due and that's not me.

The real heroes are guys like Jack Herer, Ed Rosenthal, DJ Short and Jorge Cervantes. I'm nothing compared to them. I know of at least 20 growers that can and do run circles around me. I'm always getting schooled by guys that really know their shit. I've made every mistake you could possibly make and still haven't found all the possible fuck ups. I'm trying my best though! lol

So I appreciate your kindness but never forget this one simple fact...StinkBud is a kook!

Now go spread some fucking love!
Guys a little input. I was going to wait to build a similar set-up but, ballast keeps acting up I figure I should replace it and get started.

My grow room is 6x4 maybe 6x5 if I remove a built in shelf, what kind of light set would you all recommend?

-Would 2 400w lights be good or should I go 2 600w.

-I already have a 190 CFM inline fan and carbon filter should I get another fan. What would be a good CFM total.

-Lastly, can you all recommend a good light kit/brand at a reasonable price? I do not want to go through the problem of another one crapping out on me. This is actually the 2nd time it has happened.
It's all personal preference buddy and what you can manage to keep optimal conditions. larger wattage lights, larger the yield. This is the wrong forum to ask that if you want a debate, but that was just my 2cents on that matter. Yo stink!!!!!! What's up with some fresh nugg pron brochacho? Been waitin around to see your new beauties all dried and cured!
I have your book, but the plan for this two tiered Veg system is not in it. Could you share the alterations of the plan? Meaning, it appears there are only a few differences. Can you share those?
Hey stink, how are the new strains going? Last I saw they looked great. Time to do some swapping?
What up SS! The new strains ended up a little on the leafy side. LOL It's weird how sometimes the kids look nothing like their parents! I guess that explains why my kid looks a lot like the gardener instead of me!

Last time I was in Seattle we bought some clones. I was kind of afraid to bring them in to my room because Powdery Mildew is such a problem up here but I wanted some high CBD stuff and didn't want to wait. We found some Harlequin cuttings and another old school skunk strain that's supposed to be really good for meds but it will be some time before we find out for sure.

There is so many strains available up here it's silly. When you walk into the dispensaries there are walls lined with cuttings to buy. It's kind of overwhelming. Not to mention I have a bunch of friends that will give me all the hot strains like Girl Scout Cookies, Green Queen, Blue Dream and Headband. All those strains just make my face melt! LOL I'm actually looking forward to the Skunk the most. When I lived in Hawaii we used to get the best Skunk on earth! The local Hawaiians called it by it's slang name, "StinkBud". So if you were looking for DaKine weed you'd ask, "Hey bradduh, you got da StinkBud?" Now you know where my name came from...

As far as trades go I wish I could send you some cuttings but I'm just too much of a pussy! I am legal up here but as soon as I start sending stuff over the state borders it becomes a serious federal crime. If you ever visit the Great Northwest feel free to visit (hint, hint).

And thanks for keeping the spirit alive! I wish more people would give you credit for all your hard work. YOU DA MAN! So any of you that are reading this thread please give SuperStoner the respect he deserves! He's like the Kung Fu ninja that eventually surpasses his master. Some of you might think that I feel threatened or jelly but it's actually the opposite, I feel like the proud poppa that's watched my kid grow up to be president. Someday I'll have to pass the torch to someone. That someone will be SuperStoner...

Thanks bro!
I have your book, but the plan for this two tiered Veg system is not in it. Could you share the alterations of the plan? Meaning, it appears there are only a few differences. Can you share those?
You really don't need the two tiered system. The veg unit basically ends up being a modified StinkBud Hybrid system. The reason I used a two tiered system was so the roots didn't get tangled up together. After awhile I realized it didn't really matter much because you can easily separate the cuttings if you are careful.
Sorry if this was asked before, but I got to page 75 or so before I couldn't keep going. 1038 pages is a lot to go through at once.

I'm working in a very small tent- 20"x36"x63". My plan is to take my plants from cuttings all the way through flower in the aero/nft post system. I'd like to do 12 clones (unless that's too many for the space). Do you think I would be better off doing 3 5"x5" fence posts with 4 plants each or 4 4"x4" rails with 3 plants each? Also, are you still using the same nutes you used at the beginning of the thread? I've been seeing a lot of debate whether sweet does anything at all in hydro/aero, but I'd take your word for it.
You really don't need the two tiered system. The veg unit basically ends up being a modified StinkBud Hybrid system. The reason I used a two tiered system was so the roots didn't get tangled up together. After awhile I realized it didn't really matter much because you can easily separate the cuttings if you are careful.

Thank you for that answer.

I am getting ready to build a system this week. I have a 10' x 20' space to work with. I am planning on using a 10 x 10 area for flowering. Can I simply keep the fence posts at full length? Or would the pump and reservoir be too small? I was thinking about running two 10' posts to the reservoir, rather than two 5' posts. Would this work?

That way I can fit (3) reservoirs with (2) posts each, each post with 6 pots, all in my 10 x 10 area. Which is 36 flowering sites. I would then put (2) of your 18-site veg units along with a cloner in the separate 10 x 10 tent area.

What are your thoughts? I appreciate your help.
I have a question about your co2 system and maintaining the oxygen levels in your water. I know the spraying of water oxygenates them but having the air at 1500ppm co2, does it not effect the
oxygen uptake in the water to the roots?

I have been reading the thread and came across the stink bud Jr set-up. Any idea what kind of yields are possible? What if you veg and/or flower for a week longer?
Quick question, I know reading early on in this thread you mentioned running the pump for 1 minute then having it shutoff for 5 minutes if I remember correctly. I want to do an aeroponics setup but the extra timer I currently have only allows programming 8 times, would running it for an hour and then shutting off for 2 work or do you think that would be a little much? I can get a timer that can be programmed with a computer to do whatever you want it to but I don't really want to dish out the $100 for it unless I absolutely have to. I've read through allot of your thread here and you definitely know what you're doing so I figured I'd ask
having two hours off 1 hour on is going to basically kill your plants, stinkbud uses 1 on/5 off to give the maximum amount of oxigentation to the roots, if they are dry for the timeline you suggest they will wilt and die. The timer is 100$ because of its capabilities, if you cannot afford it run your aeroponics system 24/7 but DO NOT give it an hour on and two hours off.

It will be highly detrimental to your girls

Thanks MJD, I can afford the timer I'm just a jew bastard and don't like spending money unless I have to lol. I've read thru enough of this thread to know that stinkbud knows his shit, so if he says 1 on/5 off is the best then that's what I'd try first. An hour on 2 hours off did seem like a stretch but you never know till you ask or try, and in true jew form I'll ask before I try and loose money