East Coast
Well-Known Member
tell him you are putting in a spa for when all the girls come over for party's - the spa is rated at 5kw
Ok so heres my electrical question, I just moved into a new house and i want my master bedroom to be able to handle up to about 5k watts, not saying i will be using them all i just would rather have more than less. What would i tell an electrician when I call him? What would i say to sound more professional, Honestly have no experience or knowledge in the electrical field my uncle wired my last two rooms RIP. Just don't want to sound to conspicuous or anything. Thanks in advance for the input
Im in San Diego, California by the way.
Hey Bricktown73,
I am a newbie to indoor growing and just got a tad question about ballasts. Currently running two 400 watts grow lights in a 6.5' x 6.5' x 6.5 Grow tent and will be upgrading to two 600 watt Grow Light Kits and just needed to know if it was possible to hook-up both systems on either a 20 amp or 30 amp breaker (with the 400's, no problems so far with power issues. With that, thinking of plugging two smaller fans (rated 1.0 amps), would that be pushing it?
Thanks and awesome set-up with your electrical stuff!
i have a titan helios 7 light controler that runs of off 240 and i have my 240 supply comming from my dryer outlet,but my supply only has 3 wires on it and the titan controler has 4 spots to install wire starting from left to right ,it says ground,hot,neutral,hot. so wher do i put my 3 wires i have coming from my 240 supply? please help
Sounds like the controller wants a neutral and you have none at the receptacle. Does the controller have 120v receptacles or the timer need 120v? Maybe you don't need the neutral?
no 120 volt at all,it takes a 240 supply and gives 240 to the ballasts
Hey bricktown, im planning on growing in an attic. Instead of running an extension cord from a socket in the house, I thought about a socket in the attic.
After reading a bit I understand the socket would have to be wired into the main breaker for the house?
Any chance you could walk me through doing this? Or will to be to difficult?
The main breaker is on the ground floor of the house
As far as I know the only panel is on the ground floor next to the electricity meter.do you have any other sub panels in the house? sometimes on a 2 story house you'll see a 200amp main panel on the first floor and a 100amp sub panel on the 2nd floor or sometimes in the basement.
i could walk you through this pretty easily. first real question is how much light are you going to be using?