Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
As soon as my poly comes in for the male cab Ill build it and start my 12/12.
Should be here tuesday.
I plan to throw some JackDaddyPurp, Purple Voodoo, and Blue Dream in flowering as well. One of the twin Blue Dreams so I can see if the pheno survived exactly as it was before.


Well-Known Member
I got another batch to pop here soon.... looking like Ill be using almost half of what I have between males and flowering the first 24 ladies...
5 have already been killed. Extra males...


Well-Known Member
Here's a cpl pics of my sativa leaning Crimea blue. Looks fantastic and smells like earth with berry undertones. May have to reveg this one as I didn't take clones. I was just burning up the rest of my beans not really finding anything special and that last bean was the ticket lol. Live and learn I guess.



Well-Known Member
Here's a cpl pics of my sativa leaning Crimea blue. Looks fantastic and smells like earth with berry undertones. May have to reveg this one as I didn't take clones. I was just burning up the rest of my beans not really finding anything special and that last bean was the ticket lol. Live and learn I guess.
I'm gonna try cloning again this time around even though I've never had any luck with it. I can root roses all day long but stick a mj clone in my hand and I kill it every time LOL


Well-Known Member
I was having problems cloning Rosey until I switched to two small tupperware little dishes now everything roots. I think the tray and prop-dome were to big for the amount of clones I was working with, I couldn't keep the humidity high enough and they would be dead within a couple days.

When I switched to little tupperware containers it kept the humidity high and I barely even had to spray them, I filled the bottom of the container full of jiffy pucks, about 6/7 fit. I found a small amount of rooting hormone and inserting the clone then squeezing all the excess water out. I wedge them in the container pretty tightly, I haven't had roots grow from one to the next yet but I check them daily. I also move my plants around a lot, I found filling the container full of pucks even if I wasn't using them all kept the clones from moving around.

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