HELP! my slow poorman's grow. ( Absolute noob )


Lets date this back to the beginning , just before I left my student house to return home for the festive period I noticed a small dark brown seed in my bag of buds, as a joke I planted it in my household plants pot.
Before leaving the house I threw the plant outside for the bin-men to collect as it was mostly dead anyway.

HOWEVER! this part gets really strange upon my return 2 1/2 weeks later after -5 tempretures, heavy winds, frosty nights and heavy rain I go out the back to have a cigarette and my friend ( who didn't know about me planting the seed ) points out a weird plant that has sprouted in the pot.
I suddenly remember what it was and was astounded at how it germinated and grew 2-3 inch's tall with 2 embryo leaves and 2 tiny leaves sprouting from the middle in these conditions. I brought the sapling inside and planted on the window edge so it
got daily sunlight, at this point I had no money for any such equipment or had even considered ever growing a plant!
I made my mind up to start looking into it as it would save me flood loads on buying my weed from dealers ( 2-3 Gram per £20 ) I eventually was told about a no-heat low-electricity LED setup, so I ordered £20 grow lamp and had it under 18/6 hour darkness using a plug timer, wooden frame and bedsheets to cover at night.

My problem is the grow started to my knowledge around 30th of december-ish but after trial and error I can't seem to speed the slow slow growing process up and im nervous it may turn out to be male ( although it has tiny pistile shape's on the corner of each stem/node ) It is now 16th of febuary and heres is pictures of comparison ( Top image is present time , bottom is 8th January )

Iv been using a large cardboard box lined with tinfoil ( until I removed the tinfoil as it causes heatspots I read )
- 30W desktop fan attached to the side blowing indrect air through a cloth material
- 14W led blue % red 194 LED grow lights
- 28W energy saving bulb
- 15W lightbox to add warmth ( house is always freezing )
- I put blankets over to keep warmth in
- Use a mix of baby bio NPK 10.6-4.4-1.7 diluted in a rainwater & aged tap water mixture for a PH balance as I cannot afford anything other than what I have. ( eg. ph testers )
- I let the soil dry out before watering , usually every 3-4 days I give it 6-7 sprays on the above mixture
- Im using miricle grow soil mixed with 25% perlite
- 1 gallon plastic sterilized pot with airing holes at the bottom
- 18/6 hour lighting on timer.

I do need to mention I check the plant everyday and it has never looked unhealthy , just very lazy and doesn't grow quick. In the past two weeks its gone from having 4 leaves to having 24 however its 8 weeks after first planting is it doing too bad? Iv seen alot of others grow quicker.

any opinions? Ideas? help?

Thanks :)



Hey thanks for the reply, do you think thats the main factor of my slow growth ? is everything else ok?

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Go spend the $5Can on a hygrometer. Stick the hygrometer in the soil so you'll get an idea on when to water. From what I can see you're plant is out of the woods. It's now up to you. If you're already seeing hair you should bump the light up to 20/4d. 80 watts of daylight lighting will hold her until you've gotton about nine fim snips for clones.


Well-Known Member
just very lazy and doesn't grow quick. In the past two weeks its gone from having 4 leaves to having 24.
That don't seem slow "From 4 leaves to 24 in two weeks" IDK what Height is the Lil Lady? the one thing I was thinking was you said "house is always freezing" ?? Get a thermometer(even a cheap one from FleaBay or Poundland..etc) reason I say this, is I think(could be wrong) that really low Temps can stop growth...I mean it didn't have a Great start in life(chucked outside) :o But it lived!! So you doing Ok so far...


Oh n Welcome to RIU



Well-Known Member
OMG LED'S DO NOT WORK !!!FFS.. look plants need light SUN LIGHT !! no so peace of crap LED that does NOT GIVE THE PLANTS THE RIGHT LIGHT THEY NEEED !!!!! HPS is the best way for light reason keep using led then you will see the plants look like shit GIVE THE HPS !!!!!!! sorry had a crap day needing to vent off SORRY


Thanks for the welcome! my first time foruming , should of done it sooner :D

and yeh the past two weeks have really stepped up the pace I had a theory the freezing tempretures of outside did stunt it for a few weeks.
Im not to sure about the height it was around 4 inch when I changed the pot I filled the soil up and covered the stem, it has since grown 5 inch above that so about 9 inch all together? ( 3-4 buried )


Haha! its cool it was a rant but definatly helpfull thanks :D what about CFl lights are they suitable for a small single plant grow?


Well-Known Member
Aye up Noobus take a wander over to the LED Section IF you wanna see some Good Grows under LED(But I don't think it will be same as what you ordered...least not for $20) You CAN Grow with LED, But I think you need to spend somewhere in the Region of $240??

1 LedGrow panel, 240 U$ plus 50 U$ shipping
1 LedGrow panel, 180 € plus 20 € shipping

Good Site with a bit of Info_


If Its about $Fund$ then forget LED and maybe save for a 250w/400w Hps Setup, I think 600w is like the sweet spot for Watts=Lumens per Buck(I could be wrong, but its what I've read in lot of places) But if you just starting out a 250w/400w Hps would do you fine and set you back about 50-60 quid in the UK, more I think in the States???

CFL are Great way of Growing in tight spaces, with little to No heat issues...peeps use everything from about 26w(True) upwards...Though for more Lumens consider the Giant CFL a 200w Giant CFL will give you between 8000 - 10,000 Lumen...I think a 30w(True) gives you about 2000 Lumen...and are Cheap but you need many...CFL have a short range...need to keep em close, say 2-3 inches.
Also I think you need about 5000 Lumen for decent Growth..


EDIT: Lots of helpful peeps on RIU and whichever way you decide to go,I'm sure some one from here give you the right advise OR wrong....depends....LOL



Oh: Just added this Link for you to_Jorge Cervantes Ultimate Grow Marijuana

Worth watching(Worth Buying on DVD)


Thanks mate! I think Il go and save for some large CFl lights then! Do you have any opinions about my watering/nutes ? am I doing the right thing with them?


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate! I think Il go and save for some large CFl lights then! Do you have any opinions about my watering/nutes ? am I doing the right thing with them?
Simple rules: Go with High Nitrogen in veg (I use fish emulsion, works great),and a simple "bloom booster" (even for tomatoes) from Lowes. Simple, and effective ;-)_~