How safe is it to show pics?


Well-Known Member
I am still leary of posting them... Isn't it evidence or something? Been a member for over 2yrs. I had to make a new account at one point... my avatar should say it all... My mustang lol. It can burn one aswell as me


Well-Known Member
Personaly I would not

but if you must make sure to use a regular camera not one of the new electronic digital ones that stamp in all types of info. like GPS


Well-Known Member
I use an outdated phone that i disabled the gps...sure if someone really put in the effort they could track it but if thats the case i mean are you using TOR to hide your IP also??

If your not cash cropping and nobody in your real life knows your growing i would think its the least of your worries, otherwise better safe then sorry.


I am still leary of posting them... Isn't it evidence or something? Been a member for over 2yrs. I had to make a new account at one point... my avatar should say it all... My mustang lol. It can burn one aswell as me
I had this same problem. Then I said "Fuck it!" I've lead a pretty cool life and worked my way up into the nuclear industry and worked as a subcontractor for the united states government. My path speaks for itself that "drugs aren't bad!" What is BAD, are LAWS that VIOLATE individual freedoms! :)

So, I pretty fucking boldly set out in front of my family, friends, and co-workers in the nuclear field that I fucking love weed and I am going to spend every last breath I have to get this wonderful plant freed for all Americans! (if not the WORLD!)

Peace & Love!


And besides.... effin' NSA is watching everything now anyway.... hope you guys participated in the little day we fight back a few days ago!


And my pictures are evidence. Evidence that I care about my plants. Evidence that I love them. Evidence that I only grow what I need for me and me alone (okay, I have GIVEN some away to other patients!). So if they really want to pick on me.... bring it. I'm serious when I say I'm ready to be at the front of this fight!


What Liddle said. But even then, I'm a respectable person and very respectful of the job I do. I get up, shower, eat, off to work.... it's not until I'm at home ready to unwind from the day and get a good nights sleep that I consume.

I was just commenting elsewhere yesterday that people on prescription drugs are the ones that are truly "experimenting with drugs". I smoke pot, there is no experiment. I know exactly what is going to happen because I have thousands of years of human history behind me. I educated myself before I ever put any "illegal" drugs into my system. Can't say the same about the first times I had alcohol or cigs, tho....


Well-Known Member
true i tell my buddy who is on pills all the time that if someone handed you any street narcotic but said oh btw depression suicidal thoughts anxiety impotence, infertility etcetc etc would be possible nooooo way but a doctor does it with a smile and a nod so he will literally argue with me it's OK cause the doctor gave it to him..SMH


Active Member
Personally I choose not to upload pics. Would you print out a giant photo of your plants and stick it to your front fence, probably not. The internet is not as anonymous as you might like to think.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Why not! Your already logged on the site. If you think they can't find you from just being here or anywhere on the net for that matter, your deluding you're self.....
Ok, the evidence argument.....The first time you say "my", "I" or answer any post with a "how to" or imply that you have/had occasion to grow, have a room for, etc, etc. You have given probable cause to obtain a warrant for a search.....So then, what the fuck is a picture going to change?

They (The feds) don't give a rats ass for your little grow.....Just don't say that your growing shit loads and making a fortune!

Post the pic! If you really want help with a problem. It's BEST/FASTEST way to get help. If you want to show off you're grow? Then that's really up to you!


Well-Known Member
Why not! Your already logged on the site. If you think they can't find you from just being here or anywhere on the net for that matter, your deluding you're self.....
Ok, the evidence argument.....The first time you say "my", "I" or answer any post with a "how to" or imply that you have/had occasion to grow, have a room for, etc, etc. You have given probable cause to obtain a warrant for a search.....So then, what the fuck is a picture going to change?

They (The feds) don't give a rats ass for your little grow.....Just don't say that your growing shit loads and making a fortune!

Post the pic! If you really want help with a problem. It's BEST/FASTEST way to get help. If you want to show off you're grow? Then that's really up to you!
because it's "my" decision and "i" don't want to. how little is the grow...hmmm...more assumptions. live in your world not mine!!!


It's not safe at all. :razz:
I know the feeling. Just look how nervous these ladies look about being on camera!


And it's not like I was trying to get a reality series going on one of the first "legal" cannabis farms or anything! :P

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