Defoliation Experiment

Bpatpil. Your plants are too small. Leave them alone. Youre just wasting energy they just put out to make leaves by pulling them off. I lollipop and mainline but thats cuz i know what i am doing and why i am doing it. I scrog or sog so when the plants are trellised i take off certain branches and lower leaves. I remove dead or damaged leaves. I remove leaves that block light from budsite. But thats when each plant has 100s of leaves Already and budsites. Let your plants grow naturally for a few runs and keep reading and learning. Dont just copy what u read. Research and understand.

And quit defoliating teenagers. Its plant abuse.
It's been about 4 1/2 days since I defoliated. Things are looking much better and the tops are growing very well. Listening to you guys, I will probably not defoliate again, except maybe near the end of flower. Here are some pictures. qwp3rPc.jpgyUChlMi.jpgIg4qtpk.jpg as you cans see also from the pics, there are a significant number of white hairs
Pretty sure those are new leaves. Hurry pull them off. :o

I just wanted to try it out, I'm not growing 100% for yield, mostly for fun. hahaha and those leaves aren't really blocking any tops. It seems lots of people have a strong agenda against different growing techniques. I am not "for" defoliation, I am jut trying it out.
I have no dog in the fight but unless
people try things for themselves the lesson is never really learned be it positive or negative.

Experimentation is fun.
It is also how new discoveries are made
often by accident.

If you want to pluck your leafs pluck them.

We ask people to not parrot information
then ask them to not try for themselves.
The worse thing that will happen
is you will fuck up a plant that is very easily replaced.

In nature plants don't live in plastic buckets but at my house they do or they get the f**k out!
I have no dog in the fight but unless
people try things for themselves the lesson is never really learned be it positive or negative.

Experimentation is fun.
It is also how new discoveries are made
often by accident.

If you want to pluck your leafs pluck them.

We ask people to not parrot information
then ask them to not try for themselves.
The worse thing that will happen
is you will fuck up a plant that is very easily replaced.

In nature plants don't live in plastic buckets but at my house they do or they get the f**k out!

Couldn't agree more bro.... sure I have a pineapple chunk at day 55 flower in a 1/2 liter pot for the craic, but pulling the leaves off a plant as small his is only gonna hurt his final yield imo... but as you rightly say it's far better to try for himself than to parrot others such as myself..... I am presuming this is his only plant and he doesn't have a room full of others, so I would like to see him get a decent harvest as well as learn a thing or two.
Yeah sorry I wasnt directing that to anyone.
And if someone comes asking Im all for asnwering.
Im having a butthurt day.
No hard feelings :)

In nature plants don't live in plastic buckets but at my house they do or they get the f**k out!
Yeah sorry I wasnt directing that to anyone.
And if someone comes asking Im all for asnwering.
Im having a butthurt day.
No hard feelings :)

In nature plants don't live in plastic buckets but at my house they do or they get the f**k out!

Ha..ha.. it's cul bro, I have a tiiiiiny e-penis and no feelings but soft squishy ones

Here's a kitten to cheer you up
All i am saying is if youre gonna do surgery know Why and How and When. You dont just remove random body parts cuz ypu read about that being a good thing when its cancerous.
My bad.
I assumed this was a dogpile
and after reading I feel like a dipshit.
I was the only one bitching. lol
Anyway im gonna slink off now.

In nature plants don't live in plastic buckets but at my house they do or they get the f**k out!
Thanks for the advice. This is one of my only plants but I don't care so much about yield, this is more of just a hobby. Anyway, Im gonna keep updating pics every couple of days.
It is already flowering and I am not sure if you can take clones at that stage. You can see from the pictures that there are quite a few white hairs, is that too late? When I was defoliating, I accidentally cut off a small top, which i then put in some water, so hopefully that develops roots.
if it is deep in flower it will root then stall
out while it reverts to veg under a veg
light cycle. But if it was my only of that
strain I would do it.
You could reveg this one unless catastrophic failure and death occurred.
Plants Like a bitta Manipulation... but in Moderation... some Love it more than others and some hate it... coz u gotta remember they Are *females!... so they all want and like different things...! But Experimentation is Fun! So Pluck ya Chickens! We'll find out if they turn into Turkeys... :D
So I can take a clone now and I an revert it back to veg? What are the chances that the clone will root with no rooting hormone? Because I don't want to do it if it might just die then I would be taking away from my yield.
So I can take a clone now and I an revert it back to veg? What are the chances that the clone will root with no rooting hormone? Because I don't want to do it if it might just die then I would be taking away from my yield.

Should root