Guy he never uses did. Pretty far of a reach, but you did manage to toss commonsense out the window
no bucky never asserted his support for $1000/hour minimum wage.
he asserted that if you raise the minimum wage by X, prices will go up by Y which is always lower than X.
and while this is "true" in some cases (the only cases bucky will examine) the fact is, if ANY expense go up by X/year the total price for the goods produced by the company will go up by Z (which is always MORE than the increase in the expense)
raising the minimum wage by $2, $3, $4, or even $7/hour will not drive the price of the "big mac" up by that number, since the burger flipper does NOT prepare a single burger every hour.
the company can employ many measures to offset the cost increase other than price increases, which McBurgers has done.
expense cutting measures to keep the "big mac" (barely )under $5 has included:
reducing the size by more than 35% since 1990
cutting the quality of the "meat" used
cutting the quality of the "secret sauce"
increasing wait times by reducing the number of burgers prepared in advance to reduce wastage.
raising the price of other items on the menu
cutting corners on the other items in the menu
reducing staffing levels (unemployment)
offering "premium" choices at much higher prices
offering new super expensive coffee drinks with an insanely high margin
no company can stay in business if their expenses are higher than their receipts.
bucky's claim that raising the minimum wage will not increase prices, but will LOWER prices through the magic of "aggregate demand" is ridiculous, the proposal of a $1000/hr minimum wage is a reductio ad absrdum inspired effort to demonstrate how retarded bucky (and the economists he listens to) really are.