Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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This one here is a pic of my Aurora Indica I will be phasing out. Thing already has a beer can size cola!

"LIKE" :mrgreen:

I was having problems cloning Rosey until I switched to two small tupperware little dishes now everything roots. I think the tray and prop-dome were to big for the amount of clones I was working with, I couldn't keep the humidity high enough and they would be dead within a couple days.

When I switched to little tupperware containers it kept the humidity high and I barely even had to spray them, I filled the bottom of the container full of jiffy pucks, about 6/7 fit. I found a small amount of rooting hormone and inserting the clone then squeezing all the excess water out. I wedge them in the container pretty tightly, I haven't had roots grow from one to the next yet but I check them daily. I also move my plants around a lot, I found filling the container full of pucks even if I wasn't using them all kept the clones from moving around.


I'll have to try this out, thanks for sharing bro ;)
I have near 100% success Rosey with a very simple method. I put glass over a shallow tote with a t8 shop light on top(20$ @ Wally World) or a small cfl will work in a clamp style reflector. I use a cheap rooting powder and peat pucks. Soak the pucks in distilled water for an hour or so till they are wet thoroughly all the way through. Take clones and allow them to sit in water for ten min or so before dipping in powder and pushing stem down into peat pucks. Gently firm peat around base of stem and walla. I keep them on a small plate inside the tote so I may leave quarter to half inch of water in bottom of tote for humidity. Works quite well my friend! When roots show I recommend stripping the outside layer of peat puck before transplant so there are no root restrictions later on.


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I have near 100% success Rosey with a very simple method. I put glass over a shallow tote with a t8 shop light on top(20$ @ Wally World) or a small cfl will work in a clamp style reflector. I use a cheap rooting powder and peat pucks. Soak the pucks in distilled water for an hour or so till they are wet thoroughly all the way through. Take clones and allow them to sit in water for ten min or so before dipping in powder and pushing stem down into peat pucks. Gently firm peat around base of stem and walla. I keep them on a small plate inside the tote so I may leave quarter to half inch of water in bottom of tote for humidity. Works quite well my friend! When roots show I recommend stripping the outside layer of peat puck before transplant so there are no root restrictions later on.

Nice little set up you got there...thanks for sharing bro, I appreciate it ;)
Nice little set up you got there...thanks for sharing bro, I appreciate it ;)
No problem Rosey! Just been sponging info since 08 when I very first wanted to grow and have been practicing that info for over a year now and figured its time I started giving back! After all someone was there to help me. Time to step up take the initiative and help when I can.;)
No problem Rosey! Just been sponging info since 08 when I very first wanted to grow and have been practicing that info for over a year now and figured its time I started giving back! After all someone was there to help me. Time to step up take the initiative and help when I can.;)

;) everybody has something to contribute, thats why I love it here so much.
Yup. Better than Shameless was tonight surprisingly lol...
Gotta watch the season premiere of Wicked Tuna now... lol... this thread was DEAD today
Yup. Better than Shameless was tonight surprisingly lol...
Gotta watch the season premiere of Wicked Tuna now... lol... this thread was DEAD today

yeah DEAD is the word for sure ;) no one at thctalk either really. I got to watch that Shameless...

EDIT: lol
I have near 100% success Rosey with a very simple method. I put glass over a shallow tote with a t8 shop light on top(20$ @ Wally World) or a small cfl will work in a clamp style reflector. I use a cheap rooting powder and peat pucks. Soak the pucks in distilled water for an hour or so till they are wet thoroughly all the way through. Take clones and allow them to sit in water for ten min or so before dipping in powder and pushing stem down into peat pucks. Gently firm peat around base of stem and walla. I keep them on a small plate inside the tote so I may leave quarter to half inch of water in bottom of tote for humidity. Works quite well my friend! When roots show I recommend stripping the outside layer of peat puck before transplant so there are no root restrictions later on.
Yeah, thats a good method your using. I kinda do the same. I use a miniature greenhouse though to trap the humidity. I use a wide variety of cloning agents though..

No problem Rosey! Just been sponging info since 08 when I very first wanted to grow and have been practicing that info for over a year now and figured its time I started giving back! After all someone was there to help me. Time to step up take the initiative and help when I can.;)
Never hurts to always be learning as much as you can.. ;) May pay off 1 day you never know..

This is insane...wtf is everybody today? LOL

Walking Dead was amazing!!!
HELL yeah it was!!! ;)

I'm here today lol, where's the rest the crew?
I used to use those jiffy domes and they work great, just too flimsy. So, I developed the method said above. Could probably use a better rooting hormone but for the most part my clones make it out just fine.
i have a bubble dome. the stems sit in water that is bubble with air. supposed to be the best. Ill find out when i use it. has anyone else tried them?

Heres my latest update. The only thing I didn't post a pic of was a bag of soil. I use MG organic choice and mix it with the bag of perlite shown. I don't add anything else to it. The water bottle is I use to water with is the only thing i'm anal about. I never ever water from a jug, only with the bottle as I feel it doesn't contribute to the compaction isssues we as container gardeners face. I put up a pic of the culprit who's responsible for the half missing leaf on my little indica plant. Damn furball!! :-P Well see if the pics of the pipe I'm smoking on reveal my age. hahaha I know some of you know when those were popular. My dad got it from a friend when I was in Jr high and my mom dug it out recently and gave it to me. What a trip down memory lane. lol.... Enjoy the pics....J
i have a bubble dome. the stems sit in water that is bubble with air. supposed to be the best. Ill find out when i use it. has anyone else tried them?
I have not but have been interested in purchasing a cloner of some sort so please let us kno how bad/good it works out for you bro.

Heres my latest update. The only thing I didn't post a pic of was a bag of soil. I use MG organic choice and mix it with the bag of perlite shown. I don't add anything else to it. The water bottle is I use to water with is the only thing i'm anal about. I never ever water from a jug, only with the bottle as I feel it doesn't contribute to the compaction isssues we as container gardeners face. I put up a pic of the culprit who's responsible for the half missing leaf on my little indica plant. Damn furball!! :-P Well see if the pics of the pipe I'm smoking on reveal my age. hahaha I know some of you know when those were popular. My dad got it from a friend when I was in Jr high and my mom dug it out recently and gave it to me. What a trip down memory lane. lol.... Enjoy the pics....J
Nice little setup u got there jointed! Is that enough light to keep them growing? I guess I should elaborate more, the last pic with the t8 shop light
Nice little setup u got there jointed! Is that enough light to keep them growing? I guess I should elaborate more, the last pic with the t8 shop light

Thanks Blitzed, yeah those plants are just my mommies so they don't require tons of light. I think I may have ooopsied though. Don't know if it was a good idea to start tomatoes and cucumbers this early. :shock: I'm thinking by the time spring rolls around I'm gonna have a very full house. DOH!!
Thanks Blitzed, yeah those plants are just my mommies so they don't require tons of light. I think I may have ooopsied though. Don't know if it was a good idea to start tomatoes and cucumbers this early. :shock: I'm thinking by the time spring rolls around I'm gonna have a very full house. DOH!!
Damn already starting ur veggies lol! I can't plant outside till usually last week of may so I'm a ways off yet but ill be doing a nice sized garden this year with autos interspersed with my tomatoes/corn. Fuckin stoked! Them tomatoes of yours are gunna be beasts!
I have a 400 watt ceramic metal halide on standby if I need it, but I don't want to if I don't have to. The bulbs are almost a hundred bucks apiece now :spew:I almost shit my pants the last time I checked. lol
Damn already starting ur veggies lol! I can't plant outside till usually last week of may so I'm a ways off yet but ill be doing a nice sized garden this year with autos interspersed with my tomatoes/corn. Fuckin stoked! Them tomatoes of yours are gunna be beasts!

Well I'm actually hoping to be harvesting some by planting season. Its gonna be nuts in there I'm sure. Cucumbers growing up the wall, branches sticken out through the velcro thats securing the doors. Holy shit I'm in trouble.lmao
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