What's For Dinner Tonight?

cooking 231.jpg
Bit of a late night spread with random stuff i found .
A roll with grilled scallops and seafood sauce , another roll with an Iran kabob with marscapone and mint , olives marinated in thai chilli garlic sauce , perscuito (don't know how to spell) and sage and garlic panchetta
Stilton blue cheese and fresh picked mint leaves .
I fought the dog for the last cup of dog food tonight. Had some ketchup packs from jack in the box in the fridge so i mixed the dog food with it and garnished it with some brown lettuce that i swore id throw out a week ago but never got around to it.......eeew. :( just kiddin ;) i had a salad with hb egg, ham, blk olives, and all sorts a good stuff in it. :):):)
it going awesome til i saw the olives! otherwise lovely clint!

chicken pot pie tonight. totally cheating :lol: tin of soup, half a cooked chuck and some pre rolled pastry. cordon blue all fuckin day guys n gals
it going awesome til i saw the olives! otherwise lovely clint!

chicken pot pie tonight. totally cheating :lol: tin of soup, half a cooked chuck and some pre rolled pastry. cordon blue all fuckin day guys n gals
Theres so many folks out there that have a hate on for olives. I dont get it. Stuffed, marinated, pureed, cold pressed, black, red, or green, in a martini, stabbed into a sandwich, i love em anyway i can think of. I mean im pretty much a garbage can in that regard, ill eat anything, but olives are like wine to me. Theres so many different flavors you can dig through i never get bored with them. :):):)
it going awesome til i saw the olives! otherwise lovely clint!

chicken pot pie tonight. totally cheating :lol: tin of soup, half a cooked chuck and some pre rolled pastry. cordon blue all fuckin day guys n gals
Thanx Don ! olives are great bro ...
You are aloud to cheat with can food sometimes you know !!! nothing wrong with that ...

Theres so many folks out there that have a hate on for olives. I dont get it. Stuffed, marinated, pureed, cold pressed, black, red, or green, in a martini, stabbed into a sandwich, i love em anyway i can think of. I mean im pretty much a garbage can in that regard, ill eat anything, but olives are like wine to me. Theres so many different flavors you can dig through i never get bored with them. :):):)
You are dead rite about olives aw !!!
I will take them any way , dosn't bother me i love them .
The funny thing is i absolutly hated olives with a passion growing up . Same with brussel sprouts , hot chillies pickled in jars
anchovies , mushrooms , horse radish , the list goes on .
How your taste buds change as we get older hey ?
everyone does meatballs different, but I saw something on TV where they used half minced pork half minced beef (here in Holland they sell half and half meat/beef mince). Swedish meatballs are just pork meat I think.....

I want to make some meatballs this week for spaghetti and samiches.

I bought a meatball sub from the local Italian shop over the weekend ans was trying to figure out the ingredients.
It was late and I was hungry and ended up wolfing it down not giving much thought to the innards.

I was checking out some links and this one by Alton Brown looks good.

I saw spinach in other recipes too.
Pretty basic as compared to the fine dishes you guys make.

I'm open to other suggestions.
I have been making my chili half and half and i buy things like hot dogs and sausage half pork and beef.
I hate when they mix in turkey or chicken.

The one local market has a meatloaf mix or beef, pork and lamb.
Thinking of making this in a meatball mix as the protein.
An egg, bread crumbs or crackers, spinach, spices roll it up then bake.
How I add pork to a meatloaf. 50/50 beef/venison. Ritz crackers works best to bind the meat.


Looks like an armadillo...